Bold but Humble

2 Corinthians 3:12 (NIV) Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.

Beloved, do not be afraid to step out in faith for I will meet you there. You feel My gentle nudges and you hear My quiet whispers, you know how I move, so follow Me. Follow Me off the “cliff” and know My hand is there to catch you. You are called to radical faith, beloved; so do not shy away or compare your walk to others and wonder why others have no been called to the same level of expectation. I expect much from you because I have called you to much. With great responsibility though also comes great reward. The joy of partnering with Me and seeing Me move, for I move in power.

A word of caution though, beloved. Do not get caught up in the supernatural things that touch your life and forget Who the source of that is or allow others to pull you into a place of pride. Stay humble. Stay contrite. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, for I AM all you need. You don’t need man’s approval, and indeed having it can be dangerous. So focus on Me: My eyes, My heart, My word, and stay humble and true.

Be Contrite {Moments with God}

Proverbs 3:12 (VOICE) Because the Eternal proves His love by caring enough to discipline you, just as a father does his child, his pride and joy.

{From a heart of gratitude} Thank You, Papa God, for caring about me enough to correct me in love. You know my heart because you know me intimately, so You know just how to tell me things – even hard things. As long as my heart is open to correction, You always say the hard things in a way I can receive.

{Praying} May my heart be ever tender, and may my heart be ever true. May I listen intently to all You tell me I should do. For I know You aren’t controlling, nor do You act on whims. So if You’re bothering to tell me, it must be something I need. May I always be contrite, and may my heart be fixed on You.

Proverbs 3:9-12 (VOICE) Pay tribute to the Eternal in all of your affairs. Honor Him with the best of what you make. That way you will prosper to the fullest and have plenty of food to eat and wine to drink. My son, do not ignore the Eternal’s instruction or lose heart when He steps in to correct you; Because the Eternal proves His love by caring enough to discipline you, just as a father does his child, his pride and joy.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime NOT Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime NOT Live: Open to Correction

Your Vision {Moments with God}

Psalm 139:14 (VOICE) I will offer You my grateful heart, for I am Your unique creation, filled with wonder and awe. You have approached even the smallest details with excellence; Your works are wonderful; I carry this knowledge deep within my soul.

{from a heart filled with gratitude} Father, I am overwhelmed by the awesomeness of Your creation. I see it everywhere around me in glorious majesty. To think I’m part of that creation is incredibly humbling. To think You knit together my frame and thought, “Yes! The world needed one of these beauties!” is beyond my comprehension. And yet I can recognize that same wonder for those around me. I look at my loved ones and think how incredibly grateful I am that they are here on earth, and that I have the blessing of them in my life. And yet too often I struggle to believe they feel the same way about me.

{praying} Father, help me to see me as you see me and how all those who love me see me. And even as I pray that I ask that my ability to love myself not be rooted in others’ thoughts about me – for that can be fickle, but rather let my identity – my view of who I am – be solely based on how you see me. For my own vision of myself is flawed. Only Your vision is perfect, so help me to catch Your vision of who I am, and help me to hold to it steadfastly so I might align with it. I choose to release the grudges I hold against myself and step into the love You have reflected towards me because that is truth, and I receive your truth in all areas. Thank You, Father, for your patience with me. Help me to reflect that patience to myself. Continue reading “Your Vision {Moments with God}”

Trust Me to Multiply Your Impact

Joshua 23:10 (NET) One of you makes a thousand run away, for the LORD your God fights for you as he promised you he would.

Beloved, trust Me to multiply your impact when you act in conjunction with Me. For I AM the Lord your God who gives strength. I lift men up and make them great, and I cause the proud to stumble.

I fiercely love My children. Those who have chosen Me and yield to Me, operate in My power and under My authority – in My name. I AM for you and I operate on your behalf, so move in step with Me.

YHVH Azar (the Lord your Help)

Proverbs 3:34 (TLB) The Lord mocks at mockers, but helps the humble.

Beloved, I AM your God, and a very present help in times of trouble. You need not fret about those who mock Me and have no reverence for the One who made them. Pay no mind to their successes or failures, trusting them to Me. Nor need you dwell on your own concerns, but rather  be intentional to cast those cares on Me.

I AM the One who made you. I AM intimately familiar with your frame. I created you and thought, “behold, this is good.” See yourself through My eyes and trust that I will always be close, for I AM YHVH Azar – the Lord your help, and I love you more than words can say.

Cloaked in Favor and Grace

Proverbs 3:34 (AMPC) Though He scoffs at the scoffers and scorns the scorners, yet He gives His undeserved favor to the low [in rank], the humble, and the afflicted.

Beloved, walk with head held high – not in pride, but rather in the confidence of one who knows they walk in the favor of the Lord. For as you choose a lifestyle of humility, I respond by cloaking you with grace. And as you find yourself afflicted and in times of trial, I cover you with my favor.

Refuse to be distracted by how others choose to live, and instead simply focus on how I have called you to live and on your relationship with Me. Make Me your touchstone, your north star, your strong tower. For I AM steadfast, and My love for you endures from generation to generation.

Step Where I Lead

Psalm 128:1 (VOICE) Those who stand in awe of the Eternal— who follow wherever He leads, committed in their hearts— experience His blessings!

Beloved, resist the urge to make your own path, but rather trust, and step where I lead. For blessing lies the way of obedience, so choose to honor Me. May My Word lead you, My hand guide you, and My Spirit counsel you as you seek hard after Me.

Be committed in your heart to a way of life and truth. For on My path is the place you’ll find the best I have for you. Choose humility, and yield control as you give all to Me. I’ll lead you well, My precious one, as you step where I lead. Continue reading “Step Where I Lead”

Sweet Spiritual Sacrifices

1 Peter 2:5 (VOICE) Like living stones, let yourselves be assembled into a spiritual house, a holy order of priests who offer up spiritual sacrifices that will be acceptable to God through Jesus the Anointed.

Beloved, I know that cultivating harmony comes at a cost. It requires laying down your pride and walking in humility. It means setting aside your agenda and being patient. It means resisting the urge for frustration or anger and instead being long-suffering and kind.

Laying down your fleshly responses in favor of ones that please Me are sacrifices I take note of. They are pleasing to Me. They show your willingness to align with My priorities instead of your own, and that is beautiful to Me. Offerings such as these are sweet spiritual sacrifices, and they are wholly pleasing to Me. Continue reading “Sweet Spiritual Sacrifices”

Embrace the Truth with Joy

Proverbs 12:15 (VOICE) Fools follow their own directions and think they are right, but wise people listen intently to advice.

Beloved, My sheep know My voice. So whether My breath flows from the mouth of a stranger, friend, child, or from heaven above, be wise enough to heed it. If you know Me, you will recognize My voice regardless of what vessel I use to deliver My words.

So remain humble and open. Strong convictions are good if they are rooted in Me, but, when founded in self-righteousness and pride, they are a stumbling block and an idol. If your beliefs are rooted in Me, they will not be shaken by humbly listening to those who would speak into your life.

Trust Me to lead. Trust Me to make truth clear. Be open to My direction and insight even if it challenges what you believe you know. For as you grow, I reveal more to you. I’m not changing, but as your ability to understand Me develops, so can I reveal new truths and aspects of My character that you might continue to grow. So be open and listen, and be ready to embrace the truth with joy.

Yield, Trust, and Obey

Proverbs 1:7 (TPT) How then does a man gain the essence of wisdom? We cross the threshold of true knowledge when we live in obedient devotion to God. Stubborn know-it-alls will never stop to do this, for they scorn true wisdom and knowledge.

Beloved, too often men rely on their own wisdom, scorning My instruction in favor of their own judgment. As if their limited views could steer them more accurately or somehow work more in their favor than yielding to Me.

Beloved, choose humility. Choose to yield to My will in favor of your own knowing I see what you do not. And I know things that are hidden from you. Choose to obey My Word and trust My voice. I will steer you rightly.

And though the path will not always be easy (for character is developed in hardship), I can promise that it is always good. So yield, trust, and obey, beloved. Yield, trust, and obey.