Radical Obedience

2 Timothy 4:2 (TLB) to preach the Word of God urgently at all times, whenever you get the chance, in season and out, when it is convenient and when it is not. Correct and rebuke your people when they need it, encourage them to do right, and all the time be feeding them patiently with God’s Word.

Beloved, resist the urge to be silent simply because it stretches you to speak. Await My nudges and act in obedience when they come. True obedience isn’t reflected when you “feel like” obeying, but rather when you do so without consideration of your feelings in deference to Me. 

Trust that I know what you’re capable of. Trust that I know the timing and the words and actions for you to execute, and that I will lead you accordingly. I AM sovereign. Yield to Me.

Walk in Full Confidence

2 Corinthians 2:15-16 (AMP) For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which ascends] to God, [discernible both] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter one an aroma from death to death [a fatal, offensive odor], but to the other an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is adequate and sufficiently qualified for these things?

Beloved, resist the urge to be offended when those who don’t know Me taunt and tease you. Remember the fragrance of your life is an offering to Me, it need not appeal to them nor is it likely to. 

Your light reminds them that they are in darkness, and no matter how much they may have grown accustomed to the dark, I have placed a desire in each heart for My light. The longing for it can cause a jealous desire they themselves may not even recognize. 

So refuse to allow yourself to be influenced by the unkind words of those around you. Instead be firmly rooted in who I say you are and walk in full confidence in your identity as a precious child of Mine.  Continue reading “Walk in Full Confidence”

Hear and Obey

John 15:14 (TLB) and you are my friends if you obey me.

Beloved, hear and obey. Hear and obey. Don’t delay. Resist being sidetracked. Refuse to be derailed or dissuaded. Know My voice so well, that nothing can shake you. Know My Word so well, that your foundation is completely secure. 

Be willing. Be yielded. And be obedient. Abide in the secret place with Me. Know My heart that you might accurately reflect it in your words and actions. Hear and obey, beloved. Hear and obey. Continue reading “Hear and Obey”

Hear and Follow Me

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (GW) After having heard it all, this is the conclusion: Fear God, and keep his commands…

Beloved, when all is said and done, obey and revere Me. You can consider the wisdom of man, and you can spend time deciding what you think is right, but ultimately not one person on earth has the understanding and insight I do with heavenly, eternal perspective. 

This is a matter of trust. Whose judgment are you going to trust and act on? Your own? With your limited view and biases, your judgment is imperfect, beloved. Wisdom is found in a multitude of counselors because you learn to listen for My breath among the words. 

Beloved, My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow. Are you Mine? Then demonstrate that in your heart and actions. Hear and follow Me. 

Hold Fast and Be Obedient

Amos 3:7 (VOICE) …The Eternal Lord does nothing Without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets. They are His spokespeople.

Beloved, hear what I say. Find that quiet place within and make room to hear My voice. Resist the urge to be presumptuous, or to assume you know My intentions. Simply because I’ve operated one way in the past, doesn’t mean I will always do the same in future. 

Be intentional. Look to Me. Abide with Me. Refuse to be influenced by words without My breath. Resist the urge to allow doubt or fear of man to sway the treasure I have deposited in you. Hold fast, and be obedient with what you’ve been given. 

El Elyon (God Most High)

Hosea 11:10 (AMP) They will walk after the Lord [in obedience and worship], Who will roar like a lion; He will roar [summoning them] And His sons will come trembling from the west.

Beloved, walk in obedience and utter devotion, for you know not the strength we operate in when we move together as one. Trust in Me and trust in My plans, for we are fearsome in unity of purpose as we watch My Word unfold.

See Me as I AM – high and lifted up, One worthy of reverence and praise. Hear My voice, beloved – roaring like the fiercest lion, and tremble in awe and the majesty of My presence. I AM Lord of all, El Elyon – God Most High. Continue reading “El Elyon (God Most High)”

Elohim Mishpat (God of Justice)

Job 25:2 (AMP) Dominion and awe belong to God; He establishes peace and order in His high places.

Beloved, I AM sovereign, and My rule  brings peace and justice. For I AM the righteous judge, Elohim Mishpat – God of Justice. I do what is right and establish righteousness in My Kingdom. Align yourself with Me. 

If you claim to yield to Me, but persist in walking in unrighteousness, you are deceiving yourself. Those who truly know Me walk in truth. So immerse yourself in My Word, beloved, that you might fully understand that which is good and perfect and true, and then you can walk in it. Then you will be a child of justice just as I AM the God thereof. 

Glorious Expectation

Psalm 18:30 (TPT) What a God you are! Your path for me has been perfect! All your promises have proven true. What a secure shelter for all those who turn to hide themselves in you! You are the wrap-around God giving grace to me.

Beloved, rest in My promises. You have only to yield to receive the fullness of them. Keep your eyes on Me and walk in humble obedience trusting that My hand will bring it all to pass. 

Stay hidden in Me. I AM your rock and shelter, and I AM wholly faithful and true. Trust in Me and trust in My word, for, beloved, it shall never return void. Lo, it will always come to pass. So wait in glorious expectation for My promises to be made manifest. 

Choose Obedience

1 John 5:3 (VOICE) You see, to love God means that we keep His commands, and His commands don’t weigh us down.

Beloved, choose to walk in obedience not because you fear punishment, but rather because your love for Me is so great and your honor for Me goes so deep you’d never want to choose differently. You want to choose My blessings – the ones that come by obedience. Just as a good earthly father rewards good behavior, so do I. But even so, resist the urge to obey simply for My rewards. 

Instead just love Me so much that you want to obey My instructions with a joyous heart to demonstrate your love for Me. You know if I’ve said it, it must be important – even if you don’t understand. Choose obedience above understanding. Beloved, obeying My Word is not a burden, it is where true joy and blessing are found.

Holy and Set Apart

Malachi 2:6 (TLB) He passed on to the people all the truth he got from me. He did not lie or cheat; he walked with me, living a good and righteous life, and turned many from their lives of sin.

Beloved, I pour in that you might pour out. You are a conduit not a reservoir. You are set apart with an intentional call and purpose. Walk in it. Release that which I have deposited in you. 

Walk in truth and righteousness, beloved. You have no idea the impact your simple obedience has in heaven and on earth. It is atmosphere changing. Walk with Me – holy and set apart.