
Sitting in His presence quietly waiting to hear His voice. I hear the whisper, “Beloved.” I know that’s just the beginning of what He plans to say, and yet I get stuck there, feeling my throat begin to tighten and tears begin to well as I ponder the privilege it is for Him to call us – call me – by that name.

I am His beloved and He is mine. I know this intellectually, but most days what that actually means barely penetrates the surface. I am My beloved’s and My Beloved is mine. I hear Him whisper, “Yes. Yes, My love.” I know He’s encouraging me to let this sink in deeper, to let it be more than simply a saying written in Hebrew on a ring that never leaves my hand. To know. To truly know. Continue reading “Beloved”

Refuse to Be Dimmed

Ephesians 5:4 (GW) It’s not right that dirty stories, foolish talk, or obscene jokes should be mentioned among you either. Instead, give thanks to God.

Beloved, you are in the world, but not of it. Let your words and actions demonstrate the difference of what one filled with Me looks like. Stay mindful of what is pleasing and honoring to Me – as well as what isn’t – and choose wisely. Resist the temptation to feel pressured into compromise simply because of who else does (and how many).

You are light. Refuse to allow that light to be tainted or dimmed, but rather shine brightly forcing the darkness to scurry away. And by darkness beloved I do not mean the people, but rather the spirits in operation behind the people’s words and actions. Never forget there is a difference. And we love the people, even (and especially) when we can clearly see the enemy’s hand at play. Often they need it most.

Be My Love with Skin On

Note: in scripture, things were often repeated for emphasis in the same way we bold or italicize things now. So when God chooses to repeat something, He’s saying, “This is important.” With that said, I smiled when He launched into a second day on this scripture. 🙂

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting]…

Beloved, it is never worth wounding someone’s heart over your schedule, your “rights”, or your pride. No matter how pressed for time you may feel, the people I place around you are there by design. They are opportunities to be My love. The frazzled checkout clerk who has been swamped all day may desperately need your smile rather than yet another frustrated customer who is short with them.

You may never know what’s going on behind the scenes. You may never know what fruit your actions bring, but I do. I see when your moment of kindness tilts the balance in that person’s life so they choose life for one more day rather than giving up. You may not know the full impact your actions have, but that doesn’t mean your actions aren’t having impact.

So choose to kill your flesh. Cultivate patience. Respond in love even when the world would say you have a “right” to be affronted. Be My love with skin on. Bear fruit and bear it abundantly.

Godly Patience, a Tangible Love

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting]…

Beloved, remember that your actions reflect on Me. Whether you are aware or not, people watch to see how you react and respond to people and situations. They want to know if relationship with Me and My presence in a person really make a difference. Pause and ponder what messages you send about Me and if they’re the ones you want and intend to send.

I’ve instructed you to bear with one another in love. Just as I AM patient and long-suffering with you, I have asked you to do likewise with those around you. Reflect Me. Reflect My heart. Show that the fruit of My Spirit in you is a godly patience that operates in true, tangible love. Let that fruit be manifest for all to see for it is good.  Continue reading “Godly Patience, a Tangible Love”

Win Them Without a Word

Ephesians 6:13a, 15 (AMP) Therefore, put on the complete armor of God…  and having strapped on your feet the gospel of peace in preparation [to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news].

Beloved, share My word. Speak My truth. Speak it in actions birthed from obedience and love. More are watching you than you realize, so never forget Who you host and let the light, joy, peace, and love of My Spirit pour out from within you. Snatch others from the grip of the enemy with My strong love.

For it is a gospel of peace; that peace that surpasses all understanding that is your inheritance. Cultivate it. Cherish it. Refuse to allow the enemy to steal it. Let it surround you so as you step close to others, they feel it and want it for themselves. You will win them without a word, beloved, simply through the peace and love in your presence that come from Me.

A Conduit of My Spirit 

Acts 2:3 (AMP) There appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were being distributed [among them], and they rested on each one of them [as each person received the Holy Spirit].

Beloved, let the flame of My Spirit ignite your life and your walk. Operate in the heat of My love, and warm those around by radiating it outward. You are a conduit of Me – of My Spirit – and you are surrounded by people who are in desperate need of a touch from heaven. Be My hands, beloved, and be My touch in the lives around you.

Be ready for divine appointments. Be ready for Me to interrupt your schedule with My agenda.  Be ready in season and out. Be ready, beloved. Be ready.

Love Takes Action

James 1:22 (VOICE) Put the word into action. If you think hearing is what matters most, you are going to find you have been deceived.

Beloved, knowing My word is vital. You know this to be true. And knowing it is useless without putting it into action. Knowledge puffs up. Love takes action. Love chooses to obey and trust. Love chooses to extend mercy and forgiveness. Love seeks to bless and care for others. Love is reflecting Me.

The enemy will always seek to distort My will. He will twist My word and try to bring confusion. Rely on My Spirit to guide and direct, and to bring clarity and discernment. Do not expect perfection because even I don’t expect it from you. Be quick to correct your course if you find you’ve stepped off My path. Repent and realign with Me. I AM patient and slow to anger, and I extend much grace. Receive it and walk well with Me. Continue reading “Love Takes Action”

Love Well

Romans 12:9 (VOICE) Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically. Despise evil; pursue what is good as if your life depends on it.

Beloved, resist the urge to hide who you are for you have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are worth knowing. The real you. Be genuine. Do not fear rejection or those who may misunderstand you, they reject and misunderstand Me as well. I know you and I accept you, may that be sufficient. May My love be sufficient. And may you reflect that love – loving like you’ll never get hurt – trusting that when you do, I will heal your heart and comfort you.

Hate that which I hate. Evil. The works of the enemy. Not people, beloved, but their unrighteous actions and sin. Love the people. Reflect My heart of grace, righteousness, and mercy. Pursue that which is good and upright. Lead by example. Let your actions speak volumes, and allow your tongue to rest. Love well.

I Surround You With My Favor 

Psalm 5:12 (AMP) For You, O Lord, bless the righteous man [the one who is in right standing with You]; You surround him with favor as with a shield.

Beloved, you never need to work to earn My favor – you already have it, you are clothed in it. You can focus on walking uprightly and cultivating relationship with Me because My favor isn’t anything you need to work for, it is given freely and surrounds you like a shield. I insulate and protect you because you are My beloved one in whom I AM well pleased.

Rest in that favor, knowing it is there for you – covering you – simply because you are Mine. Walk in the confidence that comes from knowing you are loved, cherished, and appreciated – for you are! I delight in you. You are the apple of My eye, My heart’s desire – the center of My world. Hear the love songs I sing over you and the sweet words of life and affection that I whisper in your ear. I AM with you always. I will never leave your side. You are priceless to Me. Rest in the safety of that understanding.

Love Like Me

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others]…

Beloved, to be like Me you must walk in love; thinking of others’ needs above your own and considering their interests and feelings. Bear with them in love. Take the high road, walking in humility even in moments when your flesh is screaming. Love.

I’m not asking you to let others use or abuse you; there are moments to stand fast, but there are moments to yield even when your flesh cries to be defensive or offended, but instead you walk like Me: in love. In understanding. In humility. I AM with you. I will strengthen you. Be known for your love.

Ephesians 4:2 (VOICE) Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love.