Feast Extravagantly

2 Timothy 3:16 (VOICE) All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear useful teaching, rebuke, correction, instruction, and training for a life that is right

Beloved, not one word of My Word is wasted. Its depths you can spend a lifetime plumbing. There is wisdom and insight and instruction throughout. Ask Me for revelation. Ask Me to bring forth the intricacies, and share with you the wisdom of the ages. 

Remember the study of My Word is no light, inconsequential matter. It takes time and dedication. So be intentional, beloved. Build on your understanding of My Word day after day, word after word. Be nourished, sustained, and become fruitful as you feast extravagantly on My Word.

Rally to Me

Isaiah 5:26 (GW) The Lord raises up a flag for the nations far away. With a whistle he signals those at the ends of the earth. Look, they are coming very quickly!

Beloved, come when I rally My people.  Be sure to heed My call. Come quickly. Respond in haste – as one sensitive to My lead. For when I unite hearts for My purpose, heaven and earth are moved, atmospheres are changed, and the hearts of men respond in love and truth. 

So come forth out of depression and sorrow, and step forth into the battle for victory. Rejoice and be glad as you stand in faith prepared to move. I AM that I AM – the Lord of Hosts is My name. Rally to Me.  Continue reading “Rally to Me”

Walk with Me in Righteousness

Ecclesiastes 12:14 (GW) God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.

Beloved, I’m not hovering, waiting for you to mess up so I can smite you. Nor am I eagerly awaiting seeing you stumble or fall. But the fact remains, I see all and I AM righteous. I AM the righteous judge and I don’t grade on a curve. Yet I AM slow to anger and rich in mercy. 

What this means is don’t simply do your best – deciding for yourself what seems right or wrong, but rather know My Word that you might understand what is expected and the measure by which all is judged. Then look to Me to help you walk out My will. 

I AM a good father. I AM patient and kind. Let Me help and let My Spirit teach you. And in the moments you fall short, don’t delay in repenting and realigning with My heart. Put your hand in Mine and walk with Me in righteousness.

Make the Most of Each Day

Psalm 6:5 (VOICE) I’m alive for a reason — I can’t worship You if I’m dead. If I’m six feet under, how can I thank You?

Beloved, make the most of each day and each breath. Spend each wisely, treasuring them as the priceless gifts they are. Resist the urge to take them for granted or waste a single one. Rather cherish each with intentionality. 

Choose to pursue the talents and passions I’ve given you. Choose to build up. Choose to rejoice. Choose to bask in the beauty of My creation. Choose to praise Me. Choose to forgive and receive forgiveness. Choose to rest. Choose to love well and to speak life. Whatever you do and however you spend your moments, do so with wise intention that honors the Giver. 

Knowing When to Save Your Breath

Proverbs 23:9 (VOICE) Do not waste your wisdom on a fool, for he doesn’t care for anything you have to say.

Beloved, sometimes walking in humility looks like knowing when to save your breath rather than wasting wise counsel on one who will not listen. Pride will urge you on so that later you may say, “I told you so,” but there is no benefit in doing so. 

Instead humbly hold your counsel, and pray that their eyes might be opened. Be moved with compassion knowing that there have been times when you yourself have been the fool. So be grateful that day is past, and pray for theirs to pass quickly too. Continue reading “Knowing When to Save Your Breath”

Pour Out What Has Been Poured In 

Ezekiel 47:12 (VOICE) All kinds of trees will flourish along both sides of the river. Their leaves won’t wither, and their fruit won’t fail. Every month they will bear a fresh crop of fruit because they are nourished from the water that flows from the temple sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves will be for healing…

Beloved, stay close to the river. Stay close to My healing flow. Rest in My Spirit. I bring healing and wholeness. Flourish as you abide in Me. Be intentional to hover close. Hold Me tightly in your heart and carrying Me with you everywhere. As you know, I’m not a genie in a bottle to pull out when you need a favor. I AM God. 

I move in love. I respond in compassion. And as I bestow that love and compassion on you, and as you thrive in My presence, be prepared, beloved, to pour out what has been poured in. Be moved with compassion on those around you and minister to them too that they might prosper as well.

Tenacious Warfare

Jeremiah 51:27 (GW) Raise your battle flag throughout the world. Blow the ram’s horn among the nations. Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack it. Appoint a commander to lead the attack. Bring up horses like a swarm of locusts.

Beloved, keep your heart tuned into My frequency and keep your eyes at the ready. Be sensitive and know the times. Listen for when I rally My people – calling them together from the east and from the west. Respond to My cry. It is time to take action.

Prepare for battle, beloved – a war fought on your knees through the righteous prayer and intercession of the saints. They are as strong and mighty as rearing stallions – bold and fearless. So listen and respond. Join the troops, be tenacious in your warfare, and remember I AM always victorious. 

Ask Me to Align Earth with Heaven

Matthew 6:10 (KJV) Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Beloved, ask for Me to align earth with heaven. Ask for My will to be done. Doing so demonstrates a trust in My will and My plans. Doing so yields control to Me rather than attempting to steer things according to your limited view. Trust Me. 

I desire for the supernatural to be natural in your life. I desire to see My people moving in My power under My authority. Ask for My power to come and be made manifest in the earth. Don’t be afraid to ask for the impossible because with Me nothing is impossible, but trust Me to do what is best.  Continue reading “Ask Me to Align Earth with Heaven”

Called to Pray

Matthew 6:9 (KJV) After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Beloved, you are called to pray. And the format for doing so has been made clear in My Word. Speak to Me from your heart, in humble reverence remembering who I AM and the magnitude of My authority. Beloved, I reign over all. I AM sovereign. 

Call to Me and I will answer – as I’ve promised. It won’t always be the way that you want or the answer you’re hoping for, but you can rest assured I do not neglect My children nor turn a deaf ear to their petitions. So be intentional to pray to Me, and do so from a heart of steadfast devotion. Share your heart with Me and trust it in My hands, for I AM worthy and able, and you are Mine.  Continue reading “Called to Pray”

Shadow of My Wings

Psalm 18:18 (TPT) When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me.

Beloved, I AM your strength. When the enemy comes – for he surely always will – look to Me and grab My hand. I will not let you go. I hold you tightly and cover you in the shadow of My wings. 

I AM your covering – your safe place in the storm. And just as you seek shelter from the natural elements – not choosing to run outside in a hail storm, so be wise and stay tucked in My safety. Resist the urge to “be independent” and refuse to seek My shelter in the storm, for if you will let Me, I will happily hold you in My everlasting arms. Simply turn to Me. Continue reading “Shadow of My Wings”