Shame is Rooted in Fear

Genesis 3:7-8 (VOICE) Suddenly their eyes were opened to a reality previously unknown. For the first time, they sensed their vulnerability and rushed to hide their naked bodies, stitching fig leaves into crude loincloths. Then they heard the sound of the Eternal God walking in the cool misting shadows of the garden. The man and his wife took cover among the trees and hid from the Eternal God.

Beloved, shame is rooted in fear, but My perfect love casts out all fear. So draw near, and receive My love in full measure. Do so that you might know what it feels like to have the burden of shame removed. I never designed you to be weighted down by shame. 

Beloved, I long for you to walk in the fullness of your freedom – naked and unashamed – with no fear causing you to hide your face from Me. I desire fellowship with you. I know you, and I love you – in all your beautiful imperfection. I accept you as you are, and I call you My very own. So resist any temptation to allow fear and shame to take root, and instead allow My mercy, love, and grace to make you whole.

I Don’t Deal in Shame

Genesis 3:7, 10 (NLT) At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness… “…I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”

Beloved, I don’t deal in shame. I bring godly repentance. Shame comes from the enemy of your soul and is intended to bring separation from Me. Resist the urge to succumb to the temptation to embrace it. 

Instead trust Me. Trust My loving correction. Know that when I bring things into alignment, it is for your own good. Correction is not an indication that there is something wrong with you, for I chastened all My children. 

At every point, each of you can be improving. So refuse to receive My loving exhortations as indications of your worth. Instead, embrace growth and the corrections that bring it. Stand fast in the understanding that I do not expect perfection, but rather yieldedness, and a love for Me and the things of Me. Know that you are loved.  Continue reading “I Don’t Deal in Shame”

Refuse to Believe the Lies

John 10:27 (AMP) The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.

Beloved, refuse to believe the lies that the enemy throws your way. You are Mine, and those who are Mine know My voice and they will not follow another’s. So pause as you listen, and  recognize who is speaking that you might rightly determine which words are of value and to which you should pay no heed. 

For the enemy of your soul will always toss “thought bombs” at you like grenades. Their intention is to maim and destroy. Refuse to give them power by simply rejecting them as you identify their origin. Toss them out, beloved. Take every thought captive and make it submit to My truth. 

Beloved, you know Me. You know My heart towards you is good. Refuse to believe anything less. Refuse to settle for anything less. Know that you are precious, prized, the apple of My eye – My heart’s desire. Know the truth of your identity as you rest in the cocoon of My love. Continue reading “Refuse to Believe the Lies”

Beautiful and Radiant

Song of Songs 4:1 (TPT) Listen, my dearest darling, you are so beautiful—you are beauty itself to me! Your eyes glisten with love, like gentle doves behind your veil. What devotion I see each time I gaze upon you. You are like a sacrifice ready to be offered.

Beloved, see yourself as I see you – beautiful and radiant in all your splendor. Nothing in creation comes close to the glory of you. Resist the urge to view yourself superficially, or to allow the thoughts and words of man to distort your view. Just as a newly minted dollar has the same value as one that is wrinkled and torn, see your value in truth and not by shallow measures. 

I see you as glorious and breathtaking, and anyone seeing with spiritual eyes will see the same. Be mindful to view others through the same rose-colored spiritual eyes that I ask you to view yourself. Each of you has been created with intention, in My image, and is worthy of love and blessing. Reflect it out just as I desire it for you – and as you want to receive. 

Love Freely and Lavishly Bestowed {Moments with God}

{He whispers} My beloved, I delight in you. You’ve captured My gaze and hold Me enthralled.

{I hide my face} I’m unworthy. How can I be the one You choose?

{Gently He responds} Don’t hide your face from Me, beloved. This isn’t about worth or lack there of, this is the gift of My love – freely and lavishly bestowed on the one I have chosen. Simply receive. 

{Eyes filled with wonder I respond} I don’t know how. How can I receive something I feel incapable of deserving? It feels like too much. 

{With a kind smile He replies} It serves no purpose to reject it. It simply wastes the gift being given. Like a cool glass of water on a hot day, leaving it sitting in the glass to evaporate won’t quench your thirst nor will it benefit anyone else, and it wastes the effort of having retrieved it. So open your heart and let My love overflow and refresh. Let it bring healing to the dry and cracked places in your heart. I AM beholding you, and I find you beautiful. I have called you My own. You are Mine, so receive. 

{With my heart and hands open, I receive}

Psalm 45:11 (TPT) For your royal Bridegroom is ravished by your beautiful brightness. Bow in reverence before him, for he is your Lord!

Careless Words

Proverbs 12:18 (NLT) Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.

Beloved, there will always be those who don’t moderate their words, and their careless barbs may sting though they originate from thoughtlessness or ignorance. And though the words may hurt, they do not have the power to change the truth of who you are. Nor do they get to shift My perception of you, so refuse to let them change your perspective of yourself. 

You are My beloved one. If I have an area to correct you in, I will do so in love – just as a good Father always should. So stand firmly in your inherent identity, and refuse to be shaken. You are a child of the light and truth is your foundation.

Be Emboldened

Proverbs 28:1 (TPT) Guilty criminals experience paranoia even though no one threatens them. But the innocent lovers of God, because of righteousness, will have the boldness of a young, ferocious lion!

Beloved, walk in righteousness as a child of the day. For you have been bathed in the Son’s light and reflect Melek Kabowd – the King of Glory, YHVH Ori – the Lord your Light. You are no longer a creature of darkness, so refuse to hide and cower, but rather be emboldened by the One who has redeemed you. 

You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of when you walk in the light. And even if you should stumble, beloved, simply repent and realign with Me that your witness may be powerful and your light may not be dimmed. 

Refuse to Cower

Ephesians 3:12 (AMP) in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him [that is, our faith gives us sufficient courage to freely and openly approach God through Christ].

Beloved, refuse to cower. I love My children and welcome them in My presence. There is no reason to cower or hesitate when you know who you are in Me. So refuse to allow guilt, fear, shame, the opinions of men, or any other force to convince you that you are unworthy. For those thoughts do not align with Mine.

Instead, may the truth of your identity find its foundation in My thoughts of you. May your truth align firmly with My Word. And may you walk in boldness rooted in Me. You are the child of the King, so refuse to cower, beloved, and walk in the boldness of your true identity.

More than a Servant (Moments with God)

{my heart cries} Holy! Holy! Holy! I stand in awe of You – of Your faithfulness and how You move. I am undone in Your presence. I lift my praise to You – the One who is worthy, the One upon the throne – exalted and majestic. You are so good. I am blessed and honored to serve You. 

{He responds with a touch to my head and a gentle smile. Receiving my adoration with joy, but also as His due. And He reminds me} You’re more than simply a servant, beloved. As we labor together resist the urge to feel more a handmaiden than a bride. ‘Less of you and more of Me’ isn’t a devaluing of who you are, but rather a broadening of the space within you that is surrendered to Me. It’s you making more room for Me to move in and through you. 

{overcome by love I respond} Thank You for loving me. Thank You for deciding I’m worthy whether I see it or not, whether I get it or not, and whether I embrace it or not. You are beyond good, Papa. Be glorified in me. 

Psalm 2:11 (AMP) Worship the Lord  and serve Him with reverence [with awe-inspired fear and submissive wonder]; Rejoice [yet do so] with trembling.

More Like Me

Romans 12:2 (TPT) …be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

Beloved, surrender your thoughts to Mine. Trust My perspective and trust Me to bring truth, for I AM truth. Allow My Holy Spirit to align your thoughts to Mine – make My views and beliefs your own, for Mine are rooted in truth. For I see and I understand. 

Resist the urge to allow your personal experiences to cloud your understanding of truth. Often the words and actions of those around you reflect a perspective based in falsehood. Simply because it is reflected does not make it true. 

So look to Me to bring truth and clarity, and then believe what I tell you. When I say you are beautiful and loved and precious, those things are fact regardless of whether others have reflected those truths to you accurately. So fix your gaze on Me, and allow Me to transform your mind by helping you be more like Me.  Continue reading “More Like Me”