Step Boldly Forth

Philippians 4:13 (TPT) And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.

Beloved, is anything beyond My strength to accomplish? So why then would you doubt your own ability to achieve when empowered by Me? Am I not strong enough or capable enough to equip and strengthen you for that which I’ve called you to?

Indeed, step boldly forth into the plans I have for you. I have prepared for each step along the way and I AM with you to strengthen you. Nothing is truly unknown when you walk with Me, because although the circumstances may be unfamiliar, I‘m not. I AM your God, and I AM with you always. So step out in faith with your hand gripped in Mine. I AM all in all. Continue reading “Step Boldly Forth”

Harnessed Power

Colossians 4:6 (VOICE) When you speak the word, speak it gracefully (as if seasoned with salt), so you will know how to respond to everyone rightly.

Beloved, as you live your faith, let your life speak for itself. Resist the urge to “help” Me further the Kingdom by acting “on My behalf” without the unction of My Spirit. Passion for Me is vital, but passion alone isn’t enough. Cultivate wisdom, discernment, and understanding. 

Then use that character to temper your zeal. A sawed off shot gun and a sniper rifle both have power, but only one is harnessed and has singular accuracy, which is power under control. So lay down your own agenda, yield to My leading, and allow My Spirit to guard your tongue, in doing so you become a powerful force for Me.

Seek Out the Root of Resistance

Hosea 6:6 (NASB) For I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice, And in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.

Beloved, as sweet as offerings may be, the sweetest gift you can bring besides your heart is faithful obedience. And really, the two go hand in hand. For if your desire is to indulge your flesh, align with the world, or follow your own ideals – have you truly given Me your heart?

When you sense resistance to My ways and My Word, pause and seek out the root of resistance. Is what you’re resistant to really Me? Or perhaps a false view of Me that has somehow been instilled? Or does fear hold you back because you struggle to receive My perfect love?

Yield, beloved. My love for you is limitless and unconditional. Allow it to saturate your heart and mind that you function from the overflow. Trust in Me. Not a conditional trust that promises to follow if I do what you think I should, but one that truly trusts My heart and then waits to see Me move. Rest in Me, for I AM all in all.

Hosea 6:6 (NET) For I delight in faithfulness, not simply in sacrifice; I delight in acknowledging God, not simply in whole burnt offerings.

Heart Treasures

Matthew 6:21 (TPT) For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure.

Beloved, look at where you spend your time, energy, and resources, for that is what you treasure. And though it’s easy to try to deceive yourself about your focus, those things don’t lie. Allow them to reveal truth.

If you find your focus is spent on temporal things, resist the urge to be hard on yourself and simply readjust your focus. Often pursuing the things of the Kingdom is a thankless job. But remember that I see you, and let that be enough. May your heart treasure that which I hold dear. Continue reading “Heart Treasures”

I Don’t Deal in Shame

Genesis 3:7, 10 (NLT) At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness… “…I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”

Beloved, I don’t deal in shame. I bring godly repentance. Shame comes from the enemy of your soul and is intended to bring separation from Me. Resist the urge to succumb to the temptation to embrace it. 

Instead trust Me. Trust My loving correction. Know that when I bring things into alignment, it is for your own good. Correction is not an indication that there is something wrong with you, for I chastened all My children. 

At every point, each of you can be improving. So refuse to receive My loving exhortations as indications of your worth. Instead, embrace growth and the corrections that bring it. Stand fast in the understanding that I do not expect perfection, but rather yieldedness, and a love for Me and the things of Me. Know that you are loved.  Continue reading “I Don’t Deal in Shame”

Abide in My Word

John 8:31 (VOICE) If you hear My voice and abide in My word, you are truly My disciples;

Beloved, will you take the time to listen? Will you take time to abide? My Word is sustenance for your soul, so refuse to be malnourished and instead feast on that which is truly good. 

If you want to share about Me, you must first know Me. And knowing Me happens by feasting on My Word. So abide in My Word – chewing, meditating – and hear Me speak to you that you might know Me intimately, for that is where true freedom is found.

Believe in Me

Romans 10:10 (VOICE) Belief begins in the heart and leads to a life that’s right with God; confession departs from our lips and brings eternal salvation.

Beloved, look deep in your heart and find My presence there. I AM always with you, and happy to guide you. You have only to seek, only to ask. I AM here. Believe in Me. Put your trust in Me.

Regardless of what the world says, determine what you will say. What will the confession of your faith be? Will your words and your walk bring credence to your confession of faith? Or will they belie it? Beloved, believe in Me. Then walk and speak as one who does.  Continue reading “Believe in Me”

The Asset of Wisdom

1 Corinthians 8:1 (AMP) …Knowledge [alone] makes [people self-righteously] arrogant, but love [that unselfishly seeks the best for others] builds up and encourages others to grow [in wisdom].

Beloved, I don’t bestow My wisdom for the purpose of puffing someone up. In the same way that food is intended to be fuel for your body rather than something indulged in to excess for no purpose, so My wisdom is given with intention. Therefore, be intentional with the asset of wisdom I bestow on you.

Seek My counsel for what to do with the wisdom you’ve been given – the same way you would seek My counsel about your finances or any other asset. Know that sometimes I’ve simply shared wisdom with you to cultivate intimacy between us and not for the purpose of regurgitating to others. 

Regardless of My purpose, be as intentional to seek Me with fervor on what to do with My mysteries as you are in the gaining of them. For those who seek Me to ask for wisdom will receive it without fail.

Divine Courage

1 Chronicles 28:20 (VOICE) Be strong, courageous, and effective. Do not fear or be dismayed. I know that the Eternal God, who is my God, is with you. He will not abandon you or forsake you until you have finished all the work for the temple of the Eternal.

Beloved, do you think for one moment that I would call you to something and then desert you – unequipped and without support? Never. Step in bold confidence – not in your own ability, but rather in My faithfulness. I AM with you always, so rest assured. 

Be filled with courage. A courage grounded in the One who has called and equipped you. I AM your source of strength. So what have you to fear? Nothing is too hard for Me, and I AM fully able to see that you successfully walk out all I have called you to. So yield to Me – trusting Me to lead, and be filled with divine courage.

The Depths of My Wisdom

Proverbs 2:6 (VOICE) The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us, for His words bring true knowledge and insight;

Beloved, I have so much to share, but to hear it you must quiet yourself and listen. If you have something of value to share and the person you want to share it with is giving you little to no attention, does that foster your desire to share? Absolutely not. And often if you power through and share it anyway, it’s treated lightly or as though it has no value, which diminishes the gift that’s been given. 

In the same way, beloved, I will not chase after you trying to share the depths of My mysteries. Those come only through your time and pursuit. But, beloved, they are well worth the effort, and here and available if you take time to abide. So seek Me while I may be found, and open yourself to the depths of My wisdom.