Psalm 139:4 (VOICE) You know what I’m going to say long before I say it. It is true, Eternal One, that You know everything and everyone.
Beloved, I know your heart well. I may seem like a mystery to you and there will often be times you can’t understand My ways, but I assure you – you are not a mystery to Me. I’ve made a study of you, and I find everything about you fascinating. I love the way you seek and learn. I love seeing how your mind works.
Never feel like you have to hide your emotions from Me. I can handle them all – good and bad. Your anger and frustration don’t shock Me, nor will they chase Me away or turn My heart against you. I love you, and I accept all of you – the good and the bad. I have chosen you and love you. Receive that love and allow it to penetrate deep. Continue reading “I Love All of You”