I Love All of You

Psalm 139:4 (VOICE) You know what I’m going to say long before I say it. It is true, Eternal One, that You know everything and everyone.

Beloved, I know your heart well. I may seem like a mystery to you and there will often be times you can’t understand My ways, but I assure you – you are not a mystery to Me. I’ve made a study of you, and I find everything about you fascinating. I love the way you seek and learn. I love seeing how your mind works.

Never feel like you have to hide your emotions from Me. I can handle them all – good and bad. Your anger and frustration don’t shock Me, nor will they chase Me away or turn My heart against you. I love you, and I accept all of you – the good and the bad. I have chosen you and love you. Receive that love and allow it to penetrate deep. Continue reading “I Love All of You”

Love Yourself Well

Psalm 139:3 (VOICE) You observe my wanderings and my sleeping, my waking and my dreaming, and You know everything I do in more detail than even I know.

Beloved, nothing about you is unseen. Not one thing about you is beneath My notice. So resist the urge to marginalize yourself, or refuse to give yourself and your own needs adequate attention. You are worth being mindful of. You are worthy of being seen.

Make no mistake, I’m not encouraging selfish indulgence, but too often those who are most supportive of others begrudge themselves the slightest comfort. Loving others as you love yourself (Mark 12:31) requires first loving yourself, which includes seeing to your own needs. So choose to love yourself well, that the love you express to others may be all the richer because it comes from your personal overflow. Continue reading “Love Yourself Well”

True Intimacy

Psalm 139:2 (VOICE) You even know the small details like when I take a seat and when I stand up again. Even when I am far away, You know what I’m thinking.

Beloved, I don’t miss a thing. I’m aware of everything about you – each thought, each decision, each concern you have is one I understand and am with you in the midst of. You are seen by Me, and you are worth seeing.

I’m not too busy for you, or too lofty to desire to be in the details of your life. I long for you to include Me. I want to share your life with you – to be the One you look to not only in times of need, but simply all the time. Share your heart and life with Me, and allow Me to include you in Mine. For that is true intimacy. Continue reading “True Intimacy”

You are Worth Loving

Psalm 139:1 (VOICE) O Eternal One, You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am;

Beloved, I AM intimately acquainted with every facet of you, and I love and accept you exactly as you are. You don’t have to change for Me to love you, nor will I love you more if you behave “better.” I see you – I see the you I created, and I love you unconditionally.

I invite you to see with My eyes – to reflect love to yourself because you are inherently worth loving. I don’t love you because I’m deceived of your true nature, I love you because I understand who you are intimately – for I formed you. So resist the urge to reject yourself or act as if you are unlovable, and instead reflect My heart towards you. Trust that you are worth loving. Continue reading “You are Worth Loving”

You are Important to Me

Psalm 84:3 (TPT) O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God, even the sparrows and swallows are welcome to build a nest among your altars for the birds to raise their young.

Beloved, nothing is beneath My notice, and no one is beyond My view. My eye is on the sparrow, and I see each petal of the lilies of the field. The small and seemingly insignificant have all been created and placed by My design and for My good purpose, and each are important to Me. Just as you are important to Me.

Resist the urge to believe that you are unworthy of My attention. For that is a lie from the father of lies, who seeks to separate you from your Source of life. Refuse to be led astray, and rather be rooted in hope that I AM who I say I AM, and that My character and love for you are steadfast. For I AM and they are. Be at peace, beloved, for I AM with you. Continue reading “You are Important to Me”

You are My Delight

Psalm 84:1 (TPT) God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of your presence.

Beloved, I AM the God of heavenly armies, the Lord of Hosts – YHVH Tsaba is My name. I rule and reign in power, and yet with everything at My fingertips, I take delight in My children. I make My sanctuary in their very hearts.

When you choose Me, all that I AM dwells within you. Think not that you are weak or powerless in the face of adversity, beloved. It matters not your personal ability to change things around you, for you know Me. I AM the power. I AM the source. And you are My delight, so rest in Me. Continue reading “You are My Delight”

A Resting Place

Psalm 106:1 (VOICE) Praise the Eternal! Thank Him because He is good and His loyal love will never end.

Beloved, My love for you never changes. I’m not mad at you or angry at things you’ve done. I AM good, and I love you with a fierceness the most frigid ice couldn’t cool, and with a passion the whole of the ocean couldn’t douse.

When you reciprocate My love, and pour it back to Me in praise, you move My heart. Just as a thoughtful gesture from a loved one can touch your heart, so you move Mine. My love for you is deep and strong, may it be a resting place for you.

Divine Favor

Numbers 6:26 (AMP) The Lord lift up His countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval]…

Beloved, you are My child, and I look upon you with the eyes of love. Just as earthly parents give favor to their children simply because they love them, so I grant My favor to you. You are the apple of My eye – My heart’s desire, deeply precious you are to Me.

Walk in the divine favor you’ve been given. Refuse to walk as one who is unloved or rejected, alone or unprotected; for that is not you. You are accepted and cherished. I see you for who you are, and I find you beautiful. Walk in the truth of who you are to Me. Continue reading “Divine Favor”

Trials Fade in Light of Knowing Me

Song of Songs 8:7 (TPT) …Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore.

Beloved, the beauty of My Kingdom is that even loss is gain. From sacrifice, blessing emerges, and from trials come forth strength. So even as you yield to Me and the refining from My holy fire burns hot, soon the beauty of the flame and the glory it brings forth far outweigh the sacrifice.

In choosing Me, you are declaring I AM worthy. So you have offered yourself as a living sacrifice – a sweet aroma before Me. I have received you, and accepted you as My very own. And just as the pain of childbirth dims as the beauty of motherhood comes forth, so the pain and the trials fade in light of knowing and loving Me. Continue reading “Trials Fade in Light of Knowing Me”

Embrace the Holy Fire of My Life-Changing Love

Song of Songs 8:6 (TPT) …My passion is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God…

Beloved, there is nothing that can dissuade Me from loving you. No sin too great, no shame too deep – refuse to confuse disappointment with rejection. I will never reject you, for you are deeply beloved by Me. Yes, there are decisions you may make (or have made) that grieve My heart, but you must know that much of that grief is because I know how it will effect you.

It hurts Me to see you in pain, trapped in shame, and caught in fruitless cycles that keep you from My best for you. These things do not cause Me to turn My back on you, but rather they cause My heart to weep for you. I have given you My Word that you might choose well, not so that I can take joy in seeing where you err and fall short.

You are My beloved, and, as you embrace that identity, you will be set free from the sins that so easily beset you. For My love strengthens and purifies you. So embrace the holy fire of My life-changing love and be transformed. Continue reading “Embrace the Holy Fire of My Life-Changing Love”