Embrace the Holy Fire of My Life-Changing Love

Song of Songs 8:6 (TPT) …My passion is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God…

Beloved, there is nothing that can dissuade Me from loving you. No sin too great, no shame too deep – refuse to confuse disappointment with rejection. I will never reject you, for you are deeply beloved by Me. Yes, there are decisions you may make (or have made) that grieve My heart, but you must know that much of that grief is because I know how it will effect you.

It hurts Me to see you in pain, trapped in shame, and caught in fruitless cycles that keep you from My best for you. These things do not cause Me to turn My back on you, but rather they cause My heart to weep for you. I have given you My Word that you might choose well, not so that I can take joy in seeing where you err and fall short.

You are My beloved, and, as you embrace that identity, you will be set free from the sins that so easily beset you. For My love strengthens and purifies you. So embrace the holy fire of My life-changing love and be transformed.

Song of Songs 8:6-7 (TPT) Fasten me upon your heart as a seal of fire forevermore. This living, consuming flame will seal you as my prisoner of love. My passion is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God. Place this fierce, unrelenting fire over your entire being. Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore.

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