Three and a half years ago when I began this journey of receiving the Prophetic Nuggets (which were later bundled into the Daily Downloads from Heaven books), I had no plans of trying to release words on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, I very intentionally didn’t put that pressure on myself. But as I sought the Lord daily, He gave words daily. It came easily and regularly and was a joy to release.
Over the last several years, Dyed4you Ministries has grown as have my responsibilities to the ministry and the team that supports it as well as our ever expanding Dyed4you Community. I’m still getting downloads from God all the time, but they take on a wide variety of forms.
I explain all that to say this, I’m entering a season where I am returning to the original plan of releasing the Prophetic Nuggets as I receive them rather than feeling a sense of obligation or pressure to release one daily. I want them to come forth with joy.
This change only affects those who follow this blog. For those who follow my Author Meghan Williams FB page (, I still plan post nuggets daily, they just won’t always be new. For those who enjoy the books, volume three is in editing and as downloads come volume 4 will be completed.
If you want more prophetic download, you can find more on And of course, when I have a Prophetic Nugget to share, I’ll post it. Sometimes that may be daily, and sometimes not.
Thank you to those who follow this blog. I appreciate your support and pray you’re blessed by the words Papa downloads to me in this format. I pray His richest blessings over you as you seek Him.