See Yourself Rightly

Romans 12:3 (CJB) For I am telling every single one of you, through the grace that has been given to me, not to have exaggerated ideas about your own importance. Instead, develop a sober estimate of yourself based on the standard which God has given to each of you, namely, trust.

Beloved, refuse to let pride have any hold in your life. Nor let false humility take root. Seeing yourself as less than what You were created to be does just as much disservice to Me as your Creator as allowing yourself to be puffed up. Ask Me for an accurate understanding of who you are. Then when I tell you, believe Me. Allow Me to mold your understanding of yourself – what you’re capable of, who you’ve been created to be, how I see you, and who you truly are.

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Allowing yourself to believe that and using that which you’ve been given to its fullest honors Me. So resist the urge to hold back – whether you’re tempted to do so for fear of failure or because others are intimidated by the greatness in you or any reason in between – think only of pleasing Me, beloved. The thoughts and concerns of man should not hold more weight than Me. Trust Me. Trust My judgment in how I have created and called you. See yourself rightly and be all I have made you to be.

Able and Willing 

Psalm 40:5 (CJB) How much you have done, Adonai my God! Your wonders and your thoughts toward us — none can compare with you! I would proclaim them, I would speak about them; but there’s too much to tell!

Beloved, I AM the God of Wonders. Pause and behold My handiwork. See Me for who I AM. Do not allow doubt or circumstances to minimize Me in your eyes. Nothing is too hard for Me. And I love you. You are My beloved, My heart, apple of My eye, and center of My world.

Do you think that I could part the seas, but somehow be incapable of moving on your behalf? Or perhaps you think Me able but unwilling? Don’t fall prey to those lies, trust Me. Trust My plans for you, and yield to Me. Look with wonder upon My glory. Watch Me in action. Refuse to be moved or shaken. Know that I AM God.

Ripe With Possibility

Song of Solomon 2:13 (TLB) The leaves are coming out, and the grapevines are in blossom. How delicious they smell! Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.’

Beloved, the time is ripe and the harvest season upon us. Open the doors of the storehouses and prepare to fill them with the choicest fruits.

Awaken your senses! Be aware of all the possibilities around you. The moment is ripe with possibility. Be alert. Tune in. Align with My frequency and wait on Me. The time is now. Break forth. Burst forth. As you have sown, you shall receive.

Firmly Rooted in Me 

John 15:5 (VOICE) I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit. Without Me, you will accomplish nothing.

Beloved, stay rooted in Me. Abide in Me. Rest, tarry, remain… BE with Me. Then watch. Watch the fruit pour forth from your life – so much you can’t contain it. So much it cannot be ignored or denied. My hand of blessing evident on your life.

Resist the urge to cut yourself off from My life-giving flow. Like a flower cut and placed on display, the appearance of life will linger for a season, but when you are cut off from life, you are dying – even if it isn’t immediately evident. Distractions will always be around you, vying for your attention, cultivate steady focus – be firmly rooted in Me.

My Light Prevails

Psalm 18:11-12 (TPT) Wrapped and hidden in the thick-cloud darkness His thunder-tabernacle surrounding Him. He hid Himself in mystery-darkness, the dense rain clouds were His garments. Suddenly, the brilliance of His presence breaks through…

Beloved, in the shadow of the Almighty – My shadow – you are safe, protected, restored, recharged, prepared, transformed, and made whole. My brilliance breaks through – both from Me directly and from you as one who carries My presence. It is a deep warfare – light chasing the darkness – and not even chasing, dispelling. Almost like no fight is necessary, but simply to “be.” Simply to shine.

I bring beauty even in your night seasons, and reveal the mysteries of heaven in the hidden places. I AM the Revealer of Mysteries – Gelah Raz – the Holy One of Israel. Make Me your dwelling place, your shelter in the storm because even when the storm rages, My light prevails.

Greater is the Light Within You 

John 1:5 (AMPC) And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it].

Beloved, darkness cannot resist the light. It must surrender to it. I AM light. Everything is darkness compared to the light of My glory. But you, beloved, made in My image, are a carrier of My presence – My glory – therefore you also shine brightly, drawing those in darkness to the brilliance of your glow.

Do not be afraid of the darkness, for far greater is the Light within you. You have nothing to fear, the darkness merely highlights the splendor of your radiance. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Joy and salvation. Shine brightly and unashamedly. Like a prism bursting forth into beaming rays of opalescent light, so My children burst forth in facets of My beauty – glorious and splendid, a feast for My heart.

Yield to My Sanctification 

John 17:17 (AMP) Sanctify them in the truth [set them apart for Your purposes, make them holy]; Your word is truth.

Beloved, allow yourself to decrease that I might increase within you. Yield to My refining process. Let Me burn away the dross leaving you brilliant and sparkling that you may shine blindingly brightly. This is My sanctifying process. The process by which you become more like Me – more radiant – that your countenance might glow from My glory. Waves of glory!

I have new levels for you. Shifting the atmosphere and opening up heaven to draw you in closer still to Me. Allow Me to gently change you into the fullness of all I’ve called you to be. Give the process the time it needs, the journey itself is a blessing and rushing the process only causes you to miss points along the way so yield to both My process and My pace. I will increase My blessings upon you. Receive it, beloved.  Continue reading “Yield to My Sanctification “

Accurately Reflect Me 

Luke 17:1-3 (GW) …how horrible it will be for the person who causes someone to lose his faith! It would be best for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large stone hung around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to lose his faith. So watch yourselves!…

Beloved, be mindful of your actions and how they affect others. Yes, you each have personal responsibility for your choices, but you do not want to be the one to cause someone to stumble or fall away just as you don’t want someone to cause you to stumble or fall away.

Therefore it is vital you be like Me. Love like Me. Accurately reflect Me. This cannot be stressed enough. I see the full impact of careless words and thoughtless actions, and if you could fully grasp the effect they have you would feel the weight of them. They are not to be taken lightly.

My Word is there to instruct you in how to live. Beloved, eat it as though you were a starving man. It is good and nourishing to your soul. It brings forth life and teaches you to be like Me. So immerse yourself. Be saturated by the water of My word that you might pour out that living water in a dry and thirsty land.

Let Love Supersede All

Matthew 18:13-14 (GW) I can guarantee this truth: If he finds it, he is happier about it than about the 99 that have not strayed. In the same way, your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.

Beloved, I desire that not one would be lost. I AM not angry at those who have wandered away, I only long for their return. Will you walk in love and accurately reflect My heart so My beloveds know I ache for them? Will you withhold judgment, instead extending mercy and understanding? Will you resist the urge to indulge in self-righteousness and pride and instead be humble, long-suffering, compassionate, and full of grace? You are made in My image, reflect Me accurately.

Refuse to be the prodigal’s older brother – resentful of the Father’s love for the one who’d gone astray. Love in no way excuses sin, it simply says the person and their heart is more important. Be known by your love. Draw them home by your love. Let love change them. Let love change you. Let love supersede all.

Take the Limits Off Your Expectations of Me 

Isaiah 45:3 (JUB) And I will give thee the hidden treasures and the well-guarded secrets that thou may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who gives thee thy name.

Beloved, nothing is hidden from Me. I haven’t lost anything nor will I ever struggle to put something in your hand. I AM sovereign. Be a yielded vessel and truly surrender all you have to Me that I may position you and equip you as I desire. Hold Me and relationship with Me dearest of all.

I will whisper to you secret things you have not known.  I will supernaturally provide for you. I will move in and through you in ways you cannot imagine. See with My eyes and hear with My heart. Know that each soul is more valuable to Me than any amount of silver. Discern true worth and refuse to be sucked in by the world’s system. Allow Me to move. Take the limits off your expectations of Me and give Me room to perform.