Demonstrate Godly Wisdom

James 3:13 (NLT) If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.

Beloved, lead by example, but do so as one who knows My ways that you may not lead others astray. Walk in righteousness – fully aligned with My Word. Do good and love well. Be a person of humility, and one who walks in honor.

See with My eyes and be lead by My Spirit. Be kind and long suffering. May you extend patience beyond even that which you’d hope to receive. Let all this fruit demonstrate your godly wisdom to choose to walk with Me.

James 3:13-18 (VOICE) Who in your community is understanding and wise? Let his example, which is marked by wisdom and gentleness, blaze a trail for others. If your heart is one that bleeds dark streams of jealousy and selfishness, do not be so proud that you ignore your depraved state. The wisdom of this world should never be mistaken for heavenly wisdom; it originates below in the earthly realms, with the demons. Any place where you find jealousy and selfish ambition, you will discover chaos and evil thriving under its rule. Heavenly wisdom centers on purity, peace, gentleness, deference, mercy, and other good fruits untainted by hypocrisy. The seed that flowers into righteousness will always be planted in peace by those who embrace peace.

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