Be a Wise Caretaker

1 Corinthians 4:1 (VOICE) Rather than power brokers, think of us as servants of the Anointed One, the Liberating King, caretakers of the mysteries of God.

Beloved, be wise with what I give you. Just as you wouldn’t go around indiscriminately handing out currency, you also should be intentional and circumspect about that which I have given you. I reveal with purpose, so align with Me and show you can be trusted with more.

You do not have to prove your intimacy with Me to others by sharing all I’ve given you, just as a married couple has no need to reveal their intimacies to prove the validity of their relationship. Intimacy is cultivated through shared moments, and there are times something is lost in the sharing.

So be a wise steward of the gifts I give you regardless of the form they take. And just as you resist the urge to  squander what I’ve given, also resist the urge to hoard it. What I give you is often for appointed moments, so be willing to pour out just as I have poured in. I will direct you. So be a wise caretaker of My mysteries, so I can share even more.

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