YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)

Genesis 1:2 (VOICE) At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters. Then there was the voice of God.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Bore, the Lord your Creator, and I AM still speaking life today. Just as My Son called Lazarus from the tomb and He came forth, so I AM calling to the dry, wounded, and dead places in your heart and calling out, “Come forth, beloved. Come forth!”

Hear and respond to My voice. Be transformed into the fullness of all I have called you to be. Be as radically changed as the caterpillar to the butterfly, unrecognizable in your glorious metamorphosis. Allow all you are – all I have made you – to shine forth unhindered bringing glory to My name. 

Lunchtime Live: Stir Up Your Faith and Prepare for Breakthrough 

3 Replies to “YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)”

  1. This was the very first custom flag you did for me and I still recall the impact of reading the word with YHVH Bore!! “Lazarus come forth” speaking life to all the dry, wounded and dead places in your heart- I felt like He was calling to me thru all of the dry places, cob webs and wounds, piercing the swirling cloudiness in my life, bringing His sharp, clear and defining call to my life. It cut thru all of the muck and set me on a path of discovering the creative call that He placed in me, bringing new life and vibrancy, plus the extreme pleasure of exploring creativity with Papa. This word and the breathtaking flag I received with it have a special place in my heart! They truly awakened this dry and weary heart to the delightful and life flow journey of getting to know Papa and His heart for me! This word and flag truly changed my life and set me on a fresh, life giving path! God is soooooo good!!! Thank you, Meghan, the team and Papa!! ❤️

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