Deuteronomy 7:9 (VOICE) I want you to know that the Eternal your God is the only true God. He’s the faithful God who keeps His covenants and shows loyal love for a thousand generations to those who in return love Him and keep His commands.
Beloved, will you be faithful? Will you write My Word upon your heart and act from its overflow? Will you choose to love sacrificially for Me? Will you put keeping My commands above the opinions of man and your own flawed judgment? I AM righteous. I AM holy. I AM worthy of your unbridled devotion. So choose Me. I AM your God.
I AM faithful and I AM true. I remember My promises and act upon them with perfect accuracy. I remember My faithful ones long after they have left the earth, and repay their faithfulness from generation to generation. I AM a good God. I AM the only true God, and I AM yours. Be intentional in your devotion to Me.
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