Proverbs 31:28 (TPT) Her sons and daughters arise in one accord to extol her virtues, and her husband arises to speak of her in glowing terms.
Beloved, be diligent and consistent in pouring forth wisdom and love, for in due season you will reap a harvest. Refuse to be discouraged by set backs regardless of how disheartening they may be. Love as if you will never be hurt. Love without reserve.
Parenting – whether natural parents or spiritual, is not for the faint of heart. It takes patience, depth, long-suffering, forgiveness, an ability to see and hold to the truth, and an abundance of unwavering love. You must learn to truly be like Me. But the fruit of it will come if you persist. Your children will flourish and rise up and call you blessed. How blessed you are to sow and then see them grow.
Proverbs 31:28 (AMPC) Her children rise up and call her blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied); and her husband boasts of and praises her…
Awesome thanks Lord, bless Meghan for being your Secretary