Proverbs 31:30 (AMPC) Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!
Beloved, do not be sucked in by vanity, ever chasing fickle trends and the approval of man. Allow the radiance of your countenance to shine, and the soft glow of My presence resting on you to bring forth beauty.
May your heart’s focus be on Me, not on the cares of this world – though yes, it is right to take care of your outer body and belongings, that should not take precedent over nurturing your inner man in relationship with Me.
So worship Me without reserve. Gaze on My face with reverential awe. Listen keenly for My voice. Rejoice in the wonder of My presence. Be made whole. Be made beautiful.