Pursue Me and Hold Nothing Back

Psalm 25:14 (TPT) There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.

Beloved, press in. Refuse to settle for less than My perfect will for your life. Go all out. Excel at being a lover of God. Lavish Me with your time and affections. Hold nothing back. You determine the closeness of our relationship because My pursuit of you is limitless, but you must choose your part.

The difference between a shallow acquaintance and a fervent relationship is significant. Would you rather be dwelling in My Holy of Holies or wandering the outer court? How much do you truly want to know Me? Do you share your intimate secrets with acquaintances or close friends? You are made in My image, beloved. Pursue Me as you desire to be pursued. I AM worth it.

Perpetually Faithful

2 Chronicles 21:7 (NET) But the LORD was unwilling to destroy David’s dynasty because of the promise he had made to give David a perpetual dynasty.

Beloved, even in the face of unrighteousness, My word and My promises are steadfast. I AM the Eternal One, the beginning and the end, and I AM relentlessly faithful. I do not promise anything lightly, for My integrity is flawless and I know what carrying out My word will entail.

Unlike man – who may justify breaking their word under extenuating circumstances – I never do. I AM perpetually faithful. When My children are unfaithful, I AM still faithful. And when their children and children’s children are rebellious and pursue evil, still I remain true to the promises I have made to those who love Me. In every season and every circumstance, I AM faithful.

Vast Blessings

Romans 4:20-21 (TPT) …because he was mighty in faith and convinced that God had all the power needed to fulfill his promises, Abraham glorified God!

Beloved, will you allow Me to be glorified through you? Will you expand your faith and stand fast in My promises? I will not love you any less if you are unable, but know that the beauty of My glory shining through your trusting heart speaks volumes about who I AM without uttering a word.

Will you take Me at My word? Will you allow My promises to stir hope in your heart? Will you remain steadfast in your hope even when My promises seem to tarry or when circumstances look bleak? I AM worthy of your trust, beloved. Stir up your faith! Look to the stars and remind yourself My blessings are vast and far more reaching than you will ever be able to know. Refuse to allow your blessings to be stolen through doubt and unbelief. Take Me at My word and refuse to be moved for I AM God.

May Your Motivations Be Pure

2 Chronicles 19:9 (NET) He commanded them: “Carry out your duties with respect for the LORD, with honesty, and with pure motives.

Beloved, I desire true relationship with you not one birthed of ritual or rote obligation. Be honest not just with Me but with yourself about what drives you. I want more than obligatory actions and feelings from you, I want your whole heart.

Give with joy. Be honest with Me about your thoughts and feelings (I can handle messy – just read the Psalms!). May your motivations be pure and rooted in love – a desire to please Me because you love Me rather than of a fear of what I will do if you don’t. Trust that My heart for you is good.

Uncontainable Blessing

Genesis 15:5 (NET) The LORD took him outside and said, “Gaze into the sky and count the stars – if you are able to count them!” Then he said to him, “So will your descendants be.”

Beloved, My promises for you are plenteous and steadfast. Just as the rainbow is a reminder of My promises, may the stars be a reminder of the overwhelming blessings in store for those who love Me. For just as I promised Abraham more descendants than there are stars in the sky, so My promises for those who love Me are an uncontainable blessing.

Fix your gaze on Me and make Me your first choice. Throughout the ages My heart-cry remains the same: that I would be your God and that you would be My people. I hold nothing back from those who hold nothing back from Me. So delight in Me, beloved, and let your zeal be unmatched. May your passion be a flame that burns so brightly those around you can’t help but be ignited. May it serve as a lighthouse that guides the way to unfettered access to Me and the fullness of My love, which knows no bounds.

Submit to Authority for My Sake

Romans 13:1 (VOICE) It is important that all of us submit to the authorities who have charge over us because God establishes all authority in heaven and on the earth.

Beloved, I AM the one who lift men up and make them great. Position and honor come from Me, so give honor and respect to all positions of authority for My sake. Pray and ask Me to give them wisdom and help them to choose justice and mercy, but be intentional to submit in reverence to Me.

Remember you cannot see the full picture. Not understanding why someone has been given power does not give you license to thrash against it. Trust Me, honor Me, and allow My good purpose to come forth.

May the Overflow of Your Heart Mirror Mine

Ephesians 4:2 (TLB) Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

Beloved, see with My eyes the motivations of man. Refuse to be affronted, but rather allow the fruit of the Spirit to pour forth from you as you move in patience, grace, and forgiveness. Act in a manner that you would have someone act towards a loved one in their moment of weakness.

Refuse to allow disunity, resentment, or anger to take root. Release any feelings of frustration and instead allow compassion to well up from within you. May the overflow of your heart mirror Mine that others may see and know Me by your actions alone.

Make Love Top Priority

Galatians 5:14 (TLB) For the whole Law can be summed up in this one command: “Love others as you love yourself.”

Beloved, make love your top priority. Make love your first response. Be filled with My love that you might pour forth from your overflow. Be saturated by My love as you abide in My presence. Be restored, renewed, refreshed, and healed.

Choose love, refusing to indulge your pride with fleshly responses, but rather seeking to be like Me – loving without reserve, loving with no thoughts of self-preservation. Let your love change those around you. Let it be a window to My heart that they might see Me. Choose love, beloved, choose love.

I Receive You

Leviticus 9:24 (NLT) Fire blazed forth from the LORD’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground.

Beloved, present yourself as a living offering. You are precious to Me. Whether you feel lovely or worthy matters not, simply offer Me you. Just as with offerings of old, I will send My fire – the fire of My Spirit – to consume the offering as a symbol of My acceptance. So know as you feel My fire, you are Mine – your life a fragrant offering before Me, pleasing and acceptable.

I will receive you, beloved. Hold nothing back. Grant to Me your whole heart. Give Me all of you, unreservedly. Refuse to allow fear of not being enough to hold you back, for I love My children, imperfections and all. You are enough when you give Me all of you. I receive you. I accept you. You are Mine. Continue reading “I Receive You”

Make Me Your Choice

Psalm 25:14 (VOICE) ONLY those who stand in awe of the Eternal will have intimacy with Him, and He will reveal His covenant to them.

Beloved, go deeper. Refuse to settle for a surface level relationship with Me. See Me as I AM. Stand in reverential awe. Desperately seeking to know Me. Pursue Me as a priceless jewel. Wrestle for My blessing. Refuse to give up. Be relentless. Bare yourself to Me. Yes, I AM omniscient, but choose to share all the parts of your heart with Me. Make Me your choice.

Choose Me because I chose you. Each sliver of your heart is priceless to Me. I cannot get enough. I’m wild about you! I love to share My thoughts, mysteries, and promises with those who seek Me wholeheartedly. Let that be you. Hold nothing back and refuse to be sidetracked or deterred. Be unshakable in your pursuit and outpouring of love for Me.