Pursue Humility with Diligence

1 Peter 5:6 (CSB) Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time,

Beloved, refuse to be concerned or dismayed in humbling seasons knowing I AM the one who lifts men up and makes men great. Glory and honor come from Me alone. So be not troubled in moments you feel overlooked, undervalued, or unseen – for I see you and am holding My hand over you to cover you. But beloved, in due season…

So pursue humility with diligence, allowing it to grow and refine you. Wear it like a mantle and be known for your selfless support of others. Love like I love – steadfastly believing the best – and continually align your vision with Mine. Trust that I AM at work and bringing things together for good. And trust that I know the perfect moment to make you shine.

Support My Plans

Philippians 2:4 (TPT) Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.

Beloved, refuse to allow pride and self-interest to direct your actions. Intentionally choose to focus on others, seek to build them up and support the plans I have for them trusting that I will see to yours. Keep your eyes fixed on Me and My vision – support that in your words and actions, building up those around you in their faith even as I build your own.

I AM mindful of your every need. You are seen by Me. Nothing that concerns you is beyond My notice. So fix your attentions on where I have you now rather than where you want to be, trusting Me to lead and direct you in each step in My perfect timing.

Find Your Life in Me

John 15:4 (TLB) Take care to live in me, and let me live in you. For a branch can’t produce fruit when severed from the vine. Nor can you be fruitful apart from me.

Beloved, I AM the life-giving force. Press into Me and passionately pursue My presence. In Me you find life more abundantly, contentment and peace, and refreshing for your soul. My Spirit is water in a dry and weary land, and My word is the bread of life. Hunger and thirst and be satisfied. Find your life in Me.

Be transformed by the power of My presence. From glory unto glory allow My Spirit to shine in and through you. May My glory reflect in your countenance as it did on Moses’ face. Walk unveiled and unashamed, a living testament to your life-giving, life-changing God.

Trust That I AM Bigger

John 15:14 (MSG) You are my friends when you do the things I command you.

Beloved, be obedient to My voice. Regardless of your maturity or lack thereof, I can work with whatever you’ll give Me as you yield to My direction and follow My flow to the best of your ability trusting Me to make up the difference.

There will be times you don’t understand, and times you think I have “missed it” because you mistakenly thought you knew where I was headed – all that is fine and even expected – but refuse to allow it to harden your heart towards Me.

Trust Me to lead. Trust that you don’t need all the details to successfully execute My plans for you. Simply be open to the next step, and the next – on and on until suddenly you realize you know Me better than you thought because you’ve yielded and watched Me move, seen Me follow through, seen Me be faithful, and even seen Me have surprising and unexpected solutions.

Trust that I AM bigger than your failings, bigger than any human shortsightedness or insecurities, imperfections, or presumptions. I AM enough, rest in Me.

I AM All You Need

Matthew 6:24 (MSG) You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can’t worship God and Money both.

Beloved, choose Me. Throughout history, My heartcry remains the same: that I would be your God and you would be My people. Refuse to give place to any idol, or to hold anything in greater reverence than Me. I will not be content to share your adoration, for I AM worthy of your singleminded devotion.

Only I bring true peace. Only I bring true contentment. Only I bring true security. Refuse the temptation to look to your own provision to offer those things remembering that even your provision comes from Me. It cannot love you nor fulfill your heart’s desires anymore than the idols made of wood and clay. Only I AM able to bring true fulfillment. Look to Me and refuse to look away. I AM all you need.

Stones of Remembrance

Joshua 4:7 (GW) You should answer, ‘The water of the Jordan River was cut off in front of the ark of the Lord’s promise. When the ark crossed the Jordan, the river stopped flowing. These stones are a permanent reminder for the people of Israel.’”

Beloved, there are moments worth capturing in a way that fosters remembrance. Moments that bolster your faith and remind you who I AM and that I AM faithful and true. Don’t lose sight of those moments or allow them to simply pass by with the emotions of that instant quickly fading and moving on. Take the time to establish a method of remembering that you might be able to stand strong in the days of hopelessness and opposition because you know that you know I AM good.

Be intentional about acknowledging My good works, and thankful about each blessing. I love to lavish My children, but refuse to do so at the cost of their character. So keep your heart humble, refuse to operate in entitlement but rather in childlike trust. Take the time to place “stones of remembrance” that you will always remember who I AM and how I move. I AM a good Father and I love My children. Continue reading “Stones of Remembrance”

Replace Worry with Prayer and Thanksgiving

Philippians 4:6 (NLT) Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Beloved, I AM in control. You don’t need to fret or worry. Release any fear and rest in your trust of Me. Allow My love to draw you back, deeper into Me, and My peace to quiet your soul, while you press in for more of Me.

Keep turning your heart and mind back to Me as the cares of the world seek to distract your gaze. Only My love satisfies. Only My peace brings true rest. So with your mouth declare My goodness, and with your words share the things on your heart, and trust Me – the lover of your soul – to see to each need and concern. Cast your cares on Me and let your heart overflow with gratitude and thanksgiving fall from your lips without end.

Tested and Found True

Psalm 12:6 (TPT) For every word God speaks is sure and every promise pure. His truth is tested, found to be flawless, and ever faithful. It’s as pure as silver refined seven times in a crucible of clay.

Beloved, I never waver. I never stumble or fall. I AM steadfast, fully believable and completely trustworthy. You are safe in My hands. Release control to Me, knowing that I love you and always have your best interests at heart. Rely on Me.

Refuse to lose heart when things don’t look like you think they should look. Remind yourself of who I AM – the Faithful One – and stay firmly rooted in faith, yielded to My plans for they are good. My promises are yes and amen so certain are they to come to pass. I have been tested and found true. Rest in the surety of Me. Continue reading “Tested and Found True”

Meditate on My Word

Psalm 119:18 (TPT) Open my eyes to see the miracle-wonders hidden in your word.

Beloved, ask Me to open your eyes to the glory of who I AM. Ask Me to bring deep revelation through My word. Desire to see and know. Crave to hear and understand. Then taste and see the beauty of all I AM.

If you would know Me, meditate on My word, beloved. My heart and My ways are embedded on each page. Pursue Me. Allow My heart as revealed through My word to change and mold you, making you more like Me.

Unquenchable Thirst for You

Psalm 45:11 (VOICE) Because the king yearns for your beauty, humble yourself before him, for he is now your lord.

Beloved, My eyes are fixed on you, I cannot get enough. My thirst for you is unquenchable. I will never grow tired of you or find you commonplace or dull. You are magnificent. My pearl of great price. The apple of My eye. The center of My world.

You are never a bother or an inconvenience. Everything that matters to you, matters to Me because YOU matter to Me. You are irreplaceable, priceless, My heart’s desire. I cannot get enough. There’s no need to temper your thoughts or affections, I want it all. I long for you in a way that will never be sated. You are everything to Me.