Arise and Bloom

Song of Songs 2:13 (TPT) Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers, “There is change in the air.” Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me.

Beloved, step into your destiny. For I have called you, and you have answered. Burst forth and bloom – show the world all I have cultivated in the garden of your heart over the long season of preparation. 

You are beautiful, My love, and all I have seen inside I AM now revealing to the world at large. So shine forth. Blossom and bloom. Arise, and step up into the higher place to which you’ve been called. For I have made you for such a time as this – arise and bloom. 

Hold Nothing Back

Matthew 22:37 (TPT) Jesus answered him, “‘Love  the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.’

Beloved, hold nothing back. Give Me all your love, devotion, and passion, but also give Me free reign to mold and shape, to refine and prune. Trust Me to do so with love and with purpose, for My heart is to see you bloom into your best self. 

I created you and I know your innermost parts. I know the purpose I designed you for and I made you well. You are not “too much.” A fish on land looks foolish and weak, but put him in the water for which he was created and he will flourish. 

Trust Me to place you where you belong. Refuse to waste time wishing you were different or trying to be so. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Be you and be you to the fullest. 

Key to the Kingdom: Reflect Me in Unhindered Glory

Colossians 2:10 (VOICE) You, too, are being completed in Him, the One who has dominion over all rule, all authority.

Beloved, remember the One you serve. I AM sovereign. I AM not some powerless, man-crafted idol. I AM the Creator of heaven and earth, the great I AM, the Commander of the hosts of heaven. Those who see Me tremble in awe. And you are on My side, and guided by My hand – acting on My behalf. This is no light calling. It is a weighty responsibility, but one for which you’ve been prepared. 

So shine, beloved. Be you without restraint. Allow the embodiment of all I’ve placed within you to radiate forth as you reflect Me in unhindered glory that those who see you might know Me. Let nothing dim your blaze, for simply to shine uncompromised and unashamed is more fearsome warfare than you can imagine – it is a key to the Kingdom.  Continue reading “Key to the Kingdom: Reflect Me in Unhindered Glory”

The Power Source

1 John 1:5 (AMP) This is the message [of God’s promised revelation] which we have heard from Him and now announce to you, that God is Light [He is holy, His message is truthful, He is perfect in righteousness], and in Him there is no darkness at all [no sin, no wickedness, no imperfection].

Beloved, I AM El Ori, God your Light, and surely you must know the innate power light embodies. Light when harnessed can start fires or form a laser to create a tool both precise and powerful. Light illuminates. It brings truth. It mandates its atmosphere. Light controls the darkness, not the other way around. 

What can darkness do? It can distort and lie, but it has no real power. It has only as much power as the lack of light allows. And you are called to be a light – to reflect Me. So shine brightly. Don’t concern yourself with the darkness, but rather focus on the Source you are reflecting, for that is where the power comes from. So make room for the Power Source and reflect Me brightly. 

Cover in Love

Philippians 2:2 (TPT) So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.

Beloved, extend grace to those around you remembering the times you yourself have needed it extended to you. Respond to offense with mercy, respond to anger with love, and respond to pride with humility. 

When faced with unkindness, refuse to respond in like manner. Demonstrate your godly character through your grace and steadfastly loving responses. Remember that their words and behaviors are representative of who they are rather than who you are. Cover them in love and pray for them. 

Fields of Glory

Psalm 96:6 (TPT) Breathtaking brilliance and awe-inspiring majesty radiate from his shining presence. His stunning beauty overwhelms all who come before him.

Beloved, abide in My presence. Be overcome by My glory. Allow the beauty of My majesty to stir within you greatness and inspiration. Let My anointing drip down like rain from heaven over you – saturating and bringing life. 

Reflect Me, precious one. You are made in My image. My children stand like fields of glory reflecting My face and bearing My name. Refuse to hold back. Choose to be who I made you to be, for you are lovely beyond description and Mine forevermore. 

Key to the Kingdom: Be Holy

Psalm 141:4 (VOICE) Don’t allow my deepest desires to steer me toward doing what is wrong or associating with wicked people Or joining in their wicked works or tasting any of their pleasures.

Beloved, be holy as I AM holy. Choose what is right and refuse to flirt with the line between what is right and wrong. Pursue righteousness. Set yourself up for success – flee from temptation and give it no place.

Fix your gaze on Me to understand the fullness of holiness, and then be like Me – for you are made in My image and called to shine brightly. Reflect Me. Reflect My character. Light the world with your holy blaze.

Keys to the Kingdom

Isaiah 22:22 (NLT) I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.

Beloved, walk in the manner I have instructed and you walk in My authority. Walking in My authority means unmitigated access: the keys to the Kingdom. This is a conditional promise based on your choices and actions. You are always loved, but to be fully empowered you must walk rightly.

Reflect My character. Reflect My heart. Obey My word. Shine brightly. Yield to My Spirit. Know that I AM God. Operate from a place of love and compassion rather than one of judgment or pride. Be My hands and feet to a lost and dying world. Be My love with skin on, for that is a more powerful force than you can imagine.

Carrier of My Presence

Romans 8:11 (VOICE) If the Spirit of the One who resurrected Jesus from the dead lives inside of you, then you can be sure that He who raised Him will cast the light of life into your mortal bodies through the life-giving power of the Spirit residing in you.

Beloved, if you belong to Me, My Spirit  dwells within you, and you are a carrier of My presence. This is no light task, but a precious responsibility, for you have been radically redeemed. Many of those around you need a touch from heaven, and you carry within you the living Spirit of the One they need. Your role is to facilitate connection. 

Walk in compassion for those who don’t yet know Me, remembering how you once were in that darkness too. Live a life that radiates the joyful light now within you that others may be drawn to Me simply by knowing you. 

Child of the Light

Ephesians 5:13 (VOICE) When the light shines, it exposes even the dark and shadowy things and turns them into pure reflections of light.

Beloved, resist the urge to be intimidated by darkness for the power of My light far exceeds the deepest of night. One pinprick of light disperses the oppressive gloom, and you are a carrier of My light – you are filled with it.

So radiate without shame. Let it burst forth from you in all its inherent glory. You have a light that darkness cannot diminish or quell. Know and understand the power within you. You carry the Spirit of the Almighty.

What or who can stand against you when you are filled with Me? Where is the purpose in being afraid? Does light tremble in fear darkness may overcome it? Never! Be confident, bold, and steadfast as you walk as a child of the Light. Continue reading “Child of the Light”