Hover in My Presence

Psalm 91:1 (TPT) When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.

Beloved, hover in My presence. Rest under My covering. In Me will you find peace. In Me will you find healing. And in Me will you find joy, safety, and so much more. So rest in Me, refusing to be drawn away.

Beloved, the choice is yours: to hover close or to step out from under My wings. Be mindful of the consequences of both and be intentional to choose wisely. I will not force you to seek My presence and protection, but I long to lavish you with it. I never grow tired of you or weary of your needs.

So tarry with Me, be intentional to stay close. Just as a child might cling to a parent for a feeling of safety, so you should remain with Me – your heart ever tarrying, clinging tightly to Me because in Me you find your hope and your refuge. Find your strength in Me.

Lean, Rely, and Cling

Song of Songs 8:5 (TPT) Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me.

Beloved, there is so much more of Me for you to know. So much more of Me for you to explore. Feast upon My presence and draw upon My love. I AM an unending well – open and available for you. I sustain you and give you life. Lean on Me.

As you press in for more, come without expectation or constraints and simply yield to Me. Allow Me to awaken you in ways you never knew were possible. I have created you and know your innermost being, trust in Me. Rely on Me.

Hear My whispering and feel the sparks as I bring you back to life – restoring and renewing you to a fullness you hadn’t believed possible. I AM all you need, and I AM enough. Cling to Me.

Steadfast Trust

Psalm 112:7 (AMP) He will not fear bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the Lord.

Beloved, align your heart and expectations with My truth, for it is steadfast and unmovable – a stronghold and a place of safety. Steadfastly trust Me. For I AM good and perfect and true. I AM worth your praise and your devotion, so remain devoted.

Though the winds and waves may come, and the cares of life may close in, I will never change. I AM a solid rock – your firm foundation, and you can safely rest in Me. Even sorrow in Me brings strength, and even trials in Me yield character. So stay true and refuse to waver, keeping your gaze fixed on Me as your guiding star. Continue reading “Steadfast Trust”

Manifest Protection

Psalm 3:3 (VOICE) But You, Eternal One, wrap around me like an impenetrable shield. You give me glory and lift my eyes up to the heavens.

Beloved, you are safe in My arms. Just as a child might run to a parent to find shelter in their arms from threats and terrors seen or unseen, so My arms welcome you and surround you like a shield – a manifest protection.

Find your safety here. You are My precious child. My peace I’ve given you, and My peace I bring. Cling to Me even as you hold tight to the corners of your faith, like a blanket wrapped tightly around you – refuse to let go of the peace given you by faith.

Fiercely Jealous Lover

James 4:5 (MSG) The proverb has it that “he’s a fiercely jealous lover.” And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you’ll find.

Beloved, I AM a fiercely jealous lover, and I will not share the heart of My beloved, for you are Mine. I AM worthy of affection and worthy of the best that you can give. I know you intimately and cherish every corner of your precious heart.

I AM worth the cost. I AM worth laying down the substitutes and idols that leave you empty anyway. Nothing is of more value than relationship with Me. My arms are open and My grip is firm, narrow your focus to simply Me. I AM more than enough. I AM all you need. Continue reading “Fiercely Jealous Lover”

Make Me Your Firm Foundation

John 1:1 (NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Beloved, I AM. I AM the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end. From the foundations of the earth I have always been. I AM everlasting, and My Word endures forever. No firmer foundation can be found, for I AM steadfast and unchanging. Everything else is soft ground and sinking sand compared to My solid bedrock. Make Me your firm foundation.

I AM truly reliable, I AM completely faithful, and My love for you is steadfast. In a world of chaos and uncertainty, I AM your hiding place and your strong tower. I AM resolute and unwavering, a fixed point in a sea of motion. Grab hold and refuse to let go. Beloved, make Me your firm foundation.

I Will Respond

Psalm 107:28-29 (TPT) Then we cried out, “Lord, help us! Rescue us!” And he did! God stilled the storm, calmed the waves, and he hushed the hurricane winds to only a whisper.

Beloved, I do not turn a blind eye nor are My ears closed to your cries. I AM ever aware of your needs – mindful of each and every one. Like a father standing beside a tearful child, ready and waiting to pull them into his arms the moment the child reaches his way, so I AM with you, ready and waiting.

Call to Me and I will answer. Raise your voice in faith, trusting that I will respond. I AM a good Father. And I AM God Most Able and God Most High. Nothing is too hard for Me.

Run to Me (Elohim Misgab)

Psalm 59:17 (TLB) O my Strength, to you I sing my praises; for you are my high tower of safety, my God of mercy.

Beloved, run to Me. When trials and temptation come, refuse to be dismayed or overwhelmed. Simply run to Me. Just as Joseph fled Potiphar’s wife, refuse to flirt with things that will hurt you or lead you away from Me. Run to Me.

I AM Elohim Misgab, God your defense. I AM ever ready and more than able to move on your behalf and protect you from that which seeks to derail you or do you harm. So run to Me – your strong tower, your fortress, your refuge, and your defense. Continue reading “Run to Me (Elohim Misgab)”

The Shadow of My Wings

Psalm 17:8 (VOICE) Keep close watch over me as the apple of Your eye; shelter me in the shadow of Your wings.

Beloved, you are My precious one. You never leave My sight. My love and protection are steadfast. My devotion is never ending. I AM Olam Zeroa, the Everlasting Arms. My comfort and security are always here for you.

Choose to remain in My safety. Choose to remain close. Burrow in and lavish Me with your love; abide in Me. Reside in the shadow of My wings. There is safety there and I AM all you need.

Double Portion of Faith

2 Kings 2:9 (NKJV) And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?” Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”

Beloved, ask and you shall receive. So ask. Ask for a double portion of faith. An encompassing faith that shields and protects in such a way that you are unshakable, the onslaught of the enemy will not shift or overtake you, and your faith in Me never wavers.

Feel your hopeful expectations rising, like the waters of the tide coming in, your capacity to believe big is increasing. You serve a wonder-working God, so expect the miraculous. Stand in faith for it. Encourage others’ faith for it. Stand and believe. Continue reading “Double Portion of Faith”