Yield Yourself to Me

Psalm 95:6 (TPT) Come and kneel before this Creator-God; come and bow before the mighty God, our majestic maker!

Beloved, joyously take your place at My feet. To humble oneself is not to be humiliated, it is simply a point of surrender. It is you laying down your burdens and allowing Me to pick them up.

Find your rest, beloved, at My feet. Feel My touch upon your head as I cover you with My love. Like a precious ointment upon My feet, so you pour your heart out before Me. The sweet aroma of your offering is incredibly pleasing to Me.

You honor Me as you choose to yield. You magnify Me in your heart and on the earth – giving Me the honor due My name. Blessed are you as you yield yourself to Me.

Harvest of Love

Psalm 96:7 (VOICE) Give all credit to the Eternal, families of the world! Credit Him with glory, honor, and strength!

Beloved, remember who I AM and see Me rightly. Recognize the works of My hands and honor them as the prized creations that they are. This includes you. This includes all My children. Resist the urge to treat lightly one that I love. Refuse to be tempted to hurt or belittle one that I took time to create.

Just as a broken vessel doesn’t accurately reflect its intended design, so those around you may have similar cracks and seeming defects. And yet I love them. And yet I value them. Will you not choose to see what I see? Instead of judging based on imperfections, ask Me to show you My true design. Catch the vision and align your heart, expectations, and actions with that. As you do that, expect to reap a rich harvest of love.  Continue reading “Harvest of Love”

Key to the Kingdom: Receive Correction

Psalm 141:5 (AMP) Let the righteous [thoughtfully] strike (correct) me—it is a kindness [done to encourage my spiritual maturity]. It is [the choicest anointing] oil on the head; Let my head not refuse [to accept and acknowledge and learn from] it; For still my prayer is against their wicked deeds.

Beloved, I chasten those I love. Those who are humble and wise will receive it without complaint knowing it ultimately is given for their benefit. My sheep know My voice, beloved, so if correction comes without My breath on it or if you simply aren’t sure, ask Me and I will lovingly make My will known. I break down to build up. I wound that I might heal. I will not tear you down and abandon you or leave you hopeless. None who seek me are beyond My reach. 

So willingly – even joyously – seek that which will grow and strengthen you. Godly correction not only shifts things into place, but it builds good character, so embrace it without fear or hesitation. It is not an indication that you are hopeless or worthless, but rather that you are loved and you are Mine. 

Sweet Fruit of Forgiveness

Matthew 18:22 (VOICE) Jesus: You must forgive not seven times, but seventy times seven.

Beloved, I have called you to choose forgiveness. No offense against you is so great it is worthy of holding on to and creating separation from Me. Forgive as you have been forgiven. There is no need to hold offense when I AM your champion. 

Release injustices and unkind words and acts into My hands and trust Me to be the Righteous Judge I AM. Entrusting them to Me doesn’t mean what has been done is acceptable, it simply means you’re entrusting to My judgment the most appropriate means of addressing it. So release it to Me and leave it in My capable hands and let the sweet fruit of forgiveness ripen.

Fruit of Reconciliation

Proverbs 15:1 (NLT) A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.

Beloved, you are called to love like Me and to live like Me. I AM slow to speak and slow to anger. I see the heart intentions behind words and actions and I respond accordingly. Refuse to allow your flesh to mandate your responses and instead with eyes of compassion look to the heart of things.

Respond rather than react in any situation. Be intentional and be like Me. Trust My Holy Spirit to empower you and give you the grace and wisdom you need regardless of circumstance. I AM your peace, so rest and trust in Me and refuse to be ensnared into a fleshly response. In your anger, sin not. Give grace and bear with one another in love and let the fruit of reconciliation come forth.

Cover in Love

Philippians 2:2 (TPT) So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.

Beloved, extend grace to those around you remembering the times you yourself have needed it extended to you. Respond to offense with mercy, respond to anger with love, and respond to pride with humility. 

When faced with unkindness, refuse to respond in like manner. Demonstrate your godly character through your grace and steadfastly loving responses. Remember that their words and behaviors are representative of who they are rather than who you are. Cover them in love and pray for them. 

Intertwined Strength

Ecclesiastes 4:11 (AMP) Again, if two lie down together, then they keep warm; but how can one be warm alone?

Beloved, I have created you for multiplication. Though yes, you can accomplish much alone, I have made you for connection, and for the power that is found there. Resist the urge to to avoid it, it is worth the effort.

It is worth the frustration in moments of misunderstanding, and worth the character building that occurs when you must operate in grace and humility to create unity. Though it takes work – without a doubt, it truly is worth it.

So resist the temptation to protect your heart by holding others away, and choose instead to love as if you’ll never get hurt. Trust your heart to me, and choose to walk in love and experience intertwined strength. Continue reading “Intertwined Strength”

Key to the Kingdom: Act in Humble Obedience

1 Corinthians 15:58 (VOICE) My dear brothers and sisters, stay firmly planted—be unshakable—do many good works in the name of God, and know that all your labor is not for nothing when it is for God.

Beloved, keep your hands to the labor I have entrusted to you. Be not moved by what you see (or don’t see) in the natural, for I see the hearts of all and I instruct you accordingly. Simply respond in humble obedience trusting that your labor is not in vain and that My work will be accomplished in My perfect time.

In seed time and at harvest, I AM still God. Trust Me when the fruit is ripe and when the growth is occurring by faith beneath the surface. In every moment I AM at work and My presence is made known. Trust your hope in My hands, for I AM faithful.

Keys to the Kingdom

Isaiah 22:22 (NLT) I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.

Beloved, walk in the manner I have instructed and you walk in My authority. Walking in My authority means unmitigated access: the keys to the Kingdom. This is a conditional promise based on your choices and actions. You are always loved, but to be fully empowered you must walk rightly.

Reflect My character. Reflect My heart. Obey My word. Shine brightly. Yield to My Spirit. Know that I AM God. Operate from a place of love and compassion rather than one of judgment or pride. Be My hands and feet to a lost and dying world. Be My love with skin on, for that is a more powerful force than you can imagine.

Flow in Unity

Ephesians 4:3 (VOICE) Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together.

Beloved, flow in unity. Be intentional to choose unity, even when that means sacrificing your pride or your plans. Yield to My heart and My plans. Love your fellow believers and extend much grace to them, just as much grace has been extended to you.

For you to flow in harmony as one, you must walk in love. Resist the urge to judge. Trust My Spirit to guide and correct each of you. Bring your concerns to Me, and then leave them in My capable hands as you embrace your siblings in Christ with sincere, unfettered love.