Enforcing Your Claim

Joshua 1:3 (AMP) I have given you every place on which the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised to Moses.

Beloved, you are claiming territory for Me. As you exude My light, every place your foot shall step forces darkness to flee. My angelic hosts enforce your claim as you walk – reclaiming step-by-step, forcing back the darkness that seeks to encroach.

You walk in might for My presence surrounds you. So be intentional and unafraid, letting your light shine that My glory may be made manifest in the earth.

Cultivate a Place for Me to Dwell

Exodus 20:20 (VOICE) Moses: Don’t be afraid. These powerful manifestations are God’s way of instilling awe and fear in you so that you will not sin; He is testing you for your own good.

Beloved, be mindful not to allow familiarity to breed contempt. I AM still God. I love you and cherish intimacy with you, I’ve provided grace for you and granted you forgiveness, but at no point have I relaxed My standards on what is good and what is evil.

The enemy will tempt you to flirt with the line between sin and what is permissible, but if your heart truly knows who I AM and you love Me, you will not want to grieve Me by following the letter of the law rather than the spirit. Know My heart and strive to be like Me. Cultivate a place for Me to dwell within you.

Come Soar in My Love

Exodus 13:22 (GW) The column of smoke was always in front of the people during the day. The column of fire was always there at night.

Beloved, I AM always with you and I will never leave you. Abide with Me. Absorb the peace found in My presence and let your spirit take flight. As you soar with Me, feel the wind of My Spirit. Let Me bring you higher and higher. Trust Me.

Place your hand in Mine, beloved. Let Me carry you away. Behold, you are beautiful My love and you have captured My heart. You have captivated My gaze. You are the apple of My eye, the center of my world. Just as young lovers cannot get enough of each other’s presence, so I long to be with you. Will you abide with Me? Come soar in My love.

Far More With You

Exodus 14:19 (VOICE) God’s messenger, who had been out front leading the people of Israel, moved to protect the rear of the company; the cloud pillar moved with him from the front to the back of them.

Beloved, I AM your covering. My heavenly hosts stand at the ready – guarding and protecting – alert and ready to execute My command. Our desire is to protect you from that which would seek your harm. I AM on your side and the hosts of heaven act on My behalf.

Whether you physically see My presence before you, I AM always with you. My hosts ever around you. Truly, beloved, there are far more with you than against you. Ask Me to open your eyes that you might see. Continue reading “Far More With You”

Beautiful Sacrifice

Song of Solomon 8:6 (VOICE) Set me as a seal over your heart; wear me as an emblem on your arm For love is as strong as death, and jealousy is as relentless as the grave. Love flares up like a blazing fire, a very ardent flame.

Beloved, the depths of My love for you is truly unfathomable. My passion burns brightly for you, so brightly its glory fills the earth. May My passion ignite and stir your own, beloved. Match your passion to Mine. Allowing yourself to hold nothing back.

May your ardent affection cause you to pour out yourself completely as a living sacrifice before Me. I will receive you, beloved. The flames of My love consuming your beautiful sacrifice – so sweet and pleasant before Me.

Fill Yourself with the Unshakable Understanding of Who I AM

Revelation 4:2 (TLB) And instantly I was in spirit there in heaven and saw—oh, the glory of it!—a throne and someone sitting on it!

Beloved, quiet your soul, quiet your spirit. Let Me sweep you away – whether to catch you up into the heavenlies or simply have you rest in My presence. Meet with Me. Be saturated in My glory. Allow yourself to be completely overwhelmed and undone by My presence and the full saturating love you feel from Me.

Fill yourself with the unshakable understanding of Who I AM. For if you fully and truly receive that understanding, you cannot operate in fear because you know the One who loves you is greater and higher than any other (by far). Of whom shall you be afraid? I AM on your side. Be overwhelmed by My glory and walk in the full confidence of one who knows they have nothing to fear.

I Will Meet You in Your Dreams

Psalm 3:5 (VOICE) I lie down at night and fall asleep. I awake in the morning—healthy, strong, vibrant—because the Eternal supports me.

Beloved, I AM with you always. Rest in Me. As you yield to Me even in your sleep, I will meet you there for times of refreshing and impartation. Be ready to receive. Come with your heart prepared to meet with Me. Truly you cannot begin to imagine all that I want to share with you there, beloved.

Be ready to be commissioned. Be ready to be mantled. Be ready to be radically and completely healed and transformed. Come ready to lower your guard (you don’t need it with Me anyway), and your logic won’t help you here – My ways are not your ways. Simply trust and yield. Take Me at My word and receive.

My Light Prevails

Psalm 18:11-12 (TPT) Wrapped and hidden in the thick-cloud darkness His thunder-tabernacle surrounding Him. He hid Himself in mystery-darkness, the dense rain clouds were His garments. Suddenly, the brilliance of His presence breaks through…

Beloved, in the shadow of the Almighty – My shadow – you are safe, protected, restored, recharged, prepared, transformed, and made whole. My brilliance breaks through – both from Me directly and from you as one who carries My presence. It is a deep warfare – light chasing the darkness – and not even chasing, dispelling. Almost like no fight is necessary, but simply to “be.” Simply to shine.

I bring beauty even in your night seasons, and reveal the mysteries of heaven in the hidden places. I AM the Revealer of Mysteries – Gelah Raz – the Holy One of Israel. Make Me your dwelling place, your shelter in the storm because even when the storm rages, My light prevails.

Pursue Me 

Psalm 84:10 (NIV) Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Beloved, there is no place so sweet as My presence. I AM worth the time – worth the effort. The rest and refreshing that comes in My presence is deep and cleansing. Fight through the noise around you to find that quiet place of peace. I AM there. I AM waiting. I AM always with you.

Be hungry and thirsty for Me beloved. Be insatiable. I AM worth it. Just knowing Me is worth the blessings that pour forth from time with Me. I AM worth your pursuit. Find the time. Refuse to allow distractions to keep you from being with Me. I AM like air to you – necessary for life for I AM life. I AM the life giver. I AM the healer. I AM the refresher. I AM the Lover of Your Soul. Pursue Me. Continue reading “Pursue Me “

Cultivate the Peace of My Presence 

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…[inner] peace…

Beloved, the quiet that you find inside is from Me. Seek it. Cultivate it. Cultivate the quiet that exudes – that shalom that others can feel. It is a tangible and comforting presence, like a deep exhale – rest for the tired and soul weary. My peace isn’t a passive presence – it wars against chaos – much like light dispels darkness, My peace dispels chaos and stress.

So find that place within you where I reside. Cultivate and enlarge its footprint in your life. Make room. Make way. Open the doors for Me to flood you with the peace of My presence. Then dwell there, refusing to be moved regardless of circumstances or the world around you. I AM peace and I AM with you. Watch and pray.