
Nehemiah 8:10 (GW) …Don’t be sad because the joy you have in the Lord is your strength.

Beloved, when you find your joy in Me, it is unshakable. I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever, so when you root yourself in Me, you have a foundation that is solid. It cannot be moved by outside forces. When your joy is in Me, it cannot be stolen. There is strength in that foundation.

As trials in life come – and they surely will – they cannot steal your joy because it is found in Me. Draw strength from that. The winds and waves may come, but your roots are in solid ground. Draw strength from Me. I AM unchanging and unwavering. I AM the one that holds you as priceless and loves you beyond measure. Be rooted in that love.

But beloved be cautioned, you can choose to release your joy. It cannot be taken from you, but you can give it up. So refuse the temptation to give in. The enemy will lie and cheat and steal to try to release your hold on what is rightfully yours, but refuse to yield. Hold tight and be unshakable.

Walk in Bold Confidence

Nehemiah 8:10 (AMP)…And do not be worried, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and your stronghold.

Beloved, stand fast in what you know to be true. Refuse to be moved by feelings of worry, guilt, or shame; they have no part of you for you are Mine – beautiful and forgiven, draped in My grace. Rejoice! And allow that joy to reassure and strengthen you. I AM with you.

I AM your stronghold and the lifter of your head (Rum Rosh). Walk in bold confidence remembering you are a child of Mine. Let that confidence infuse others with strength as they learn and cling to their God-given identities. Believing Me and walking in My truth is a powerful weapon, for it declares I AM trustworthy and speak truth, thus My promises are true – indeed they are yes and amen. So again I say rejoice! Continue reading “Walk in Bold Confidence”

No Portion, Right, or Memorial 

Nehemiah 2:20 (GW) “The God of heaven will give us success,” I answered them. “We, his servants, are going to rebuild. You have no property or claim or historic right in Jerusalem.”

Beloved, I AM the God of heaven. Success comes from My hand. Trust Me to bless and prosper you as you walk in My will and are obedient to My direction. Resist the urge to be distracted or derailed by those claiming to want to help. Be sensitive to My Spirit that I may give you discernment.

The enemy is a trespasser. He will always try to take new territory. Hold fast your boundaries. Say “thus far and no farther.” Enforce his lack of claim. Insist on his lack of rights. When it comes to you and that which is yours, you are Mine; therefore, he has no portion, right, or memorial. You are Mine.

Bring Forth Joy

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…joy,

Beloved, let joy spring from deep within you, like waters bubbling up from the deep. Joy is not dependent on circumstance (“happenings” as happiness is), but rather comes from a heart rooted in Me, watered by My Spirit, one that knows the love of their Creator and the grace they’ve been extended.

Allow joy to be your perfume, exuding from you as people bask in your presence. May it reflect the difference in you, and cause others to see Me in you – to recognize Me in your countenance. Rest in that joy, and hold to it in all circumstances remembering the joy that comes from Me brings strength. So be strengthened and strengthen others by carrying My joy because it is contagious. Let joy arise!

Nehemiah 8:10 (ESV) …the joy of the Lord is your strength.”