Expect Me to Bring Increase

1 Kings 18:45-46 (VOICE) The sky became filled with dark monstrous clouds, the wind grew wild, the heavy rain fell, and Ahab traveled quickly in his chariot to Jezreel. The strength of the Eternal filled Elijah. The prophet pulled up his garment around his thighs and sprinted ahead of Ahab the entire way to Jezreel.

Beloved, often when I bring increase it comes swiftly and unexpectedly. Though the vision may seem to tarry, it tarries not, for I will bring it to its fullness in due season. So be prepared to wait patiently but expectantly just to see Me move suddenly.

I AM the Lord of the breakthrough – YHVH Perazim. Watch and wait in hopeful expectation, as you rejoice in what I’ve already done. Testify of My faithfulness, and when breakthrough and increase come – testify some more. Refuse to be silent. Give praise to the One who is worthy. Amen. Continue reading “Expect Me to Bring Increase”

YHVH Nissi (the Lord your Banner)

Psalm 108:13 (VOICE) Only through God can we be successful…

Beloved, I AM the source of true victory, and in Me you find true strength. For I AM the one who lifts men up and brings accomplishment. All honor and glory comes from Me. So rest in My judgment, and trust the blessing from My hand.

Cling fast to Me, refusing to allow the praise or criticism of men sway you. For I AM the triumphant call, the Lord your banner – YHVH Nissi, your victory, your miracle. Trust your life and all its successes and perceived failures to Me.

1 Chronicles 29:11-12 (VOICE) All that is great and powerful and glorious and victorious and majestic is Yours, O Eternal One. Indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to You. The kingdom belongs to You, O Eternal One, and You are the head of it all. Wealth and glory come from You, and You rule over them all. In Your hand is power and strength, and You use them to make great and strengthen everyone.

YHVH Azar (the Lord your Help)

Proverbs 3:34 (TLB) The Lord mocks at mockers, but helps the humble.

Beloved, I AM your God, and a very present help in times of trouble. You need not fret about those who mock Me and have no reverence for the One who made them. Pay no mind to their successes or failures, trusting them to Me. Nor need you dwell on your own concerns, but rather  be intentional to cast those cares on Me.

I AM the One who made you. I AM intimately familiar with your frame. I created you and thought, “behold, this is good.” See yourself through My eyes and trust that I will always be close, for I AM YHVH Azar – the Lord your help, and I love you more than words can say.

Be Bathed in My Peace

Numbers 6:26 (AMP) The Lord… give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].’

Beloved, My peace I’ve given you, so resist the urge to be swept up into the storms that surround you. Instead stay rooted in Me. Be firm in My presence with your gaze on My face. Be encouraged by My countenance as you see it reflect back to you the truth of who I AM and who you are to Me.

Rest in the assurance you find in Me. Allow it to bathe you in My peace. Let that shalom – the peace that wars against chaos – saturate your heart and be reflected in your life and your countenance. May all who see you know you serve the living God, YHVH Shalom – the Lord your peace. Continue reading “Be Bathed in My Peace”

Rest in My Goodness

Numbers 6:24 (AMP) The Lord bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you];

Beloved, I AM your strong tower – YHVH Misgab, and your provider – YHVH Jireh. I sustain you and work on your behalf. For I love My children, and I would see them flourish and thrive. Align yourself with Me, and rest in My goodness.

For I AM the bringer of light and love – in Me you find life. So embrace My love, and let it in – refuse to resist it, and see the beauty it brings forth. I AM your all in all. Rest in My love and the abundant life I bring; for beloved, I think you’re worth it. Continue reading “Rest in My Goodness”

Step Up Higher

Psalm 134:1-3 (VOICE) Praise the Eternal, all you who serve Him— who stand ready to serve in the house of the Eternal through the night. Lift up your hands toward His sanctuary, and praise the Eternal. May the Eternal grant you His blessing from Zion, God, the weaver of heaven and earth.

Beloved, step up higher – I have more for you to see. I AM Gelah Raz – the revealer of mysteries, and Creator of heaven and earth. Come before Me with arms held wide and a hearing open heart that I might share more.

I love to commune with My children as their hearts draw near to Me. In faith they come and by faith receive the fullness that is Me. I welcome them with open arms and I will give them rest. For those the step up higher, I love to give My best.

Step Out in Hope

Psalm 130:2, 5 (VOICE) Lord, hear my cry! Attune Your ears to my humble prayer! So I wait for the Eternal—my soul awaits rescue — and I put my hope in His transforming word.

Beloved, step out in hope, for if you hope in Me and the power of My transforming Word – your hope is securely placed. I AM El Aman – the faithful God, and I AM steadfast and true.

So look to Me in times of trouble – I will listen to your cry. And I will remain by you faithfully, in sweet times and in hard. Sustaining you and seeing you through as you persist in stepping out in hope.

Step Securely

Psalm 129:4 (VOICE) The Eternal is just. He’s severed the bindings of the wicked so they can’t hurt me anymore.

Beloved, you are safe with Me, for with Me you step securely. I AM Elohim Mishpat – God of Justice, the righteous judge, so trust Me to bring true justice. For the heart of justice is making wrong things right.

I advocate for the widows and orphans. I AM mindful of the lost and hurting. The humble know My name. I AM good, and I do good. For I AM a good Father, who leads you securely, so follow Me.

Stepping in Safety

Psalm 124:8 (VOICE) Our help has come in the name of the Eternal, the Maker of heaven and earth!

Beloved, as you walk, you are stepping in safety, for I AM God – creator of heaven and earth. I AM El Shaddai – the all-sufficient one, and El Elyon – the most high God. Who is there above Me? Whose power is greater? Whose arm is longer? Who sees all and knows all but Me?

There is none above Me, and you belong to Me. I have accepted you as My very own. I AM your comfort and your help in times of trouble, and I AM eternally faithful. My love exceeds man’s ability to understand. So step safely as you walk with Me. Continue reading “Stepping in Safety”

Step Out and Call on Me

Psalm 120:1-2 (VOICE) When I was in deep trouble, I called out to the Eternal, and He answered my call. I prayed: “Protect me, Eternal, from lips that lie and tongues poisoned with deceit.”

Beloved, when trouble comes from every side, resist the urge to defend yourself. Instead call on Me, for I AM your defender and the place of your deliverance. I AM your strong tower – your refuge in the storm.

Look to Me, for I AM your very present help in times of trouble. So rest in Me, YHVH Yeshua – the Lord your Salvation, for I AM the One who saves. So step out and call on Me, for I AM God.