{my heart cries} Father, why do You feel so far away. Where are You as the waves of grief and sadness crash over me seeking to crush my very soul? I know that You are YHVH Shammah – You are present. Intellectually, I know You’re here, probably even holding Me in Your loving embrace – so why can’t I feel Your touch?
{my heart reaches out, like a hand extending, seeking the Father’s heart – asking Him to tighten His grip that I might feel Him}
{He gently replies} Shift your focus, beloved. Stop looking at the grief and focusing on the pain. I’m right here with you – holding you so tight. I’m capturing each tear and counting each hair on your head – every part of you and every thought and concern of your heart of the utmost importance to Me. Yes, beloved, pause and shift your focus to Me. Reach out to Me and feel My grip. I AM here. I AM present. I will never leave you. Stand fast and breathe. Breathe Me in. Be comforted by the wind of My Spirit – refreshing, renewing, bringing hope. Breathe Me in, for I AM here to strengthen you. You are the apple of My eye and I love you. Be still and let Me saturate you with My love. Just breathe.
Psalm 10:1 (VOICE) Why, O Eternal One, are You so far away? Why can’t You be found during troubling times?