Love Yourself

Mark 12:31 (TPT) And the second is this: ‘You must love your neighbor  in the same way you love yourself.’ You will never find a greater commandment than these.”

Beloved, in order to effectively love others, you must first love yourself. For if your heart is filled with judgment and criticism for yourself that cannot help but spill out onto others. Therefore, you must instead choose a different way.

Reflect My heart not simply towards others, but also towards yourself. For if I saturate you in My unconditional love, who are you to determine yourself unloveable? So decide in your heart to love yourself – and do so well, and then from that place of joyous stability, may you overflow love towards others too.

Emissaries of Heaven

Mark 16:20 (VOICE) The disciples went out proclaiming the good news; and the risen Lord continued working through them, confirming every word they spoke with the signs He performed through them.]

Beloved, expect manifestations of My power. For what is the point of praying for the miraculous if you aren’t fully persuaded that the One you beseech is more than able to do “abundantly above all you could ask or think”? Choose to know Me, and choose to believe.

Walk in the full authority and power of the One who has sent you: Me. You are the emissaries of heaven. Yielded and willing vessels – created to usher the supernatural into the natural realm because you know who I AM and you believe. So stand and speak in faith, and watch Me move.

Wonderful You

Mark 9:50 (VOICE) Salt is a good thing; but if it has lost its zest, how can it be seasoned again? You should have salt within yourselves and peace with one another.

Beloved, refuse to allow anything to convince you that how you have been made is bad or wrong. Different isn’t bad, it is unique. Strong isn’t bad, for there are moments where strength is essential. Quiet isn’t bad, for there are moments where tenderness is vital. 

However I have made you, I assure you, it was with intention and it is good. Remember, beloved, that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Trust that to be truth, and refuse to offer anything to the world other than a true representation of the wonderful you that you were created to be.

Turn Your Faith into the Currency of Prayer

Mark 11:24 (TPT) This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer—believe that you have received it and it will be yours.

Beloved, turn your faith into the currency of prayer. Ask, seek, and knock. The door will be opened to you. So align yourself with Me, and immerse yourself in Me. Meditate on My Word. Know My heart and trust Me to know yours. 

From that place of intimacy – in the beauty of being known, recognize that the more time you spend with Me, the more your desires align with Mine. And as you pray and petition, you begin reiterating My desires back to Me, and we work together as one – expanding My Kingdom.  Continue reading “Turn Your Faith into the Currency of Prayer”

My Power is Ready and Available

Mark 16:18 (TPT) They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous.  And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”

Beloved, be My hands and feet. As My Spirit prompts you, move. Trust that My power is ready and available when you’re operating in My will. Not in your own strength, but in Mine. For I AM able. 

You have nothing to fear as you live submitted to Me, for I AM with you and moving in every circumstance. I AM good and I AM able, so make ready. A move of My Kingdom is afoot.  Continue reading “My Power is Ready and Available”

Be Filled and Satisfied in Me {Moments with God}

{my heart whispers} Father, you are worth it all. Willingly I lay down all I have and all I am at your feet. I surrender everything into Your hands because I trust you completely (or at least my heart desires to do so). I refuse to hold on or try to control things from a place of fear or doubt. I know Your perfect love casts out all fear and I know you are good. I choose to believe. I refuse to let circumstances, emotions, or any fleshly evidence convince me otherwise. I choose to trust in You. 

{He gently replies} Beloved, all you have is Mine – freely given. Be strong, and resist the urge to judge My goodness based on earthly situations. Choose to know Me. Delight yourself in Me, not because you know that I will then give you the desires of your heart, but because I AM worth delighting in. Operate from a pure heart. As you have surrendered all to Me, now make Me your all. Be filled and be satisfied in Me. 

Mark 10:28 (VOICE) Peter: Master, we have left behind everything we had to follow You.

YHVH Shalom (the Lord your Peace)

Mark 4:39 (VOICE) He got up, shouted words into the wind, and commanded the waves. Jesus: That’s enough! Be still! And immediately the wind died down to nothing, the waves stopped.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Shalom, the Lord your peace, the One who calms the storm. I AM the giver of peace and I AM peace itself. Rest in Me. 

Beloved, I make no promises that the winds and waves won’t come. Instead I promise I AM with you to calm the waves – whether those be inner or outer – to bring peace. So trust in Me and wait, for I AM good and I AM faithful. Rest in Me. 


Psalm 118:25 (TPT) O God, please come and save us again; bring us your breakthrough-victory!

Beloved, cry out, “Hosanna!” Cry out for salvation of the lost, for the broken and weary to come home. Refuse to grow weary in your intercession, and be relentless in your pleas. For I will not turn a deaf ear to your petitions, nor will I neglect to answer your call.

Beloved, cry out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Give honor to the One who was slain. Rejoice in His holy sacrifice, and the victory it has already won. Call out “Hosanna in the highest!” Welcome the heavenly hosts to join your praise. Rejoice for salvation is won – it is coming, and, lo, it is already here. Continue reading “Hosanna”