Be an Influence for Good

1 Peter 1:24 (NLT) As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades.

Beloved, be mindful that your time on this earth is limited. Be intentional about your use of it. Refuse to squander it as well as the compulsion to work without rest. Seek My wisdom on both your call and the little day-to-day details of your life, for everything that pertains to you is important to Me – both big and small.

Though each human life may be as a vapor or a wisp, the impact of each has the capability of great influence – both for good and for evil. Choose this day how you will live and the influence you would have. Exercise wisdom by knowing My Word and walking in My ways. Be an influence for good, beloved, and leave a mark on this world – one that points to Me.

Make Love Top Priority

Galatians 5:14 (TLB) For the whole Law can be summed up in this one command: “Love others as you love yourself.”

Beloved, make love your top priority. Make love your first response. Be filled with My love that you might pour forth from your overflow. Be saturated by My love as you abide in My presence. Be restored, renewed, refreshed, and healed.

Choose love, refusing to indulge your pride with fleshly responses, but rather seeking to be like Me – loving without reserve, loving with no thoughts of self-preservation. Let your love change those around you. Let it be a window to My heart that they might see Me. Choose love, beloved, choose love.

Sole Priority

2 Samuel 6:14 (CJB) Then David danced and spun around with abandon before Adonai, wearing a linen ritual vest.

Beloved, refuse to let the thoughts and opinions of others cause you to stifle your words and actions. Allow the overflow of your heart to pour forth in unabashed praise. Move past simply “working through it” to a place where those thoughts and opinions no longer matter and you’re not even aware of them anymore.

Be radical for Me. Be completely sold out for Me. Make Me the center of your world. Be abandoned in your praise and intensely persistent in your pursuit. Be relentless. Don’t hold back. Be “even more undignified than this.” Focus on pleasing Me alone. Make that your sole priority. Continue reading “Sole Priority”

Be Known for Your Grace

1 Peter 3:9 (TLB) Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t snap back at those who say unkind things about you. Instead, pray for God’s help for them, for we are to be kind to others, and God will bless us for it.

Beloved, be known for your grace. Be known for being unoffendable. Refuse to allow your pride to be pricked, but instead seek to understand the heart motives behind careless and hurtful actions and pray for those who deliver them. You need not endure abuse, but simply remove yourself quietly rather than taking issue with your assailant. I AM the Lord and I will repay.

Be quick to forgive, leaving all to My hand of justice, for I AM the righteous judge. Beloved, bless those who curse you and pray for those who spitefully use you. Keep your heart tender and trust Me to protect and heal you. Continue reading “Be Known for Your Grace”

Lift Your Voice in Song

Colossians 3:16 (VOICE) Let the word of the Anointed One richly inhabit your lives. With all wisdom teach, counsel, and instruct one another. Sing the psalms, compose hymns and songs inspired by the Spirit, and keep on singing—sing to God from hearts full and spilling over with thankfulness.

Beloved, lift your voice in song. I AM worthy of your praise, worthy of your affection. Release a sound. Give voice to the overflow of your heart. Let My word pour forth from your lips. Make My heart known. Release it into the atmosphere on the wings of joy. Breath life. Prophesy.

You are created in My image and I AM the Creator, I spoke life into existence – the sound of My voice reverberating through heaven and earth. Do likewise. Lift your voice. Don’t hesitate. Refuse to allow timidity, lack of perfection, or performance anxiety to hinder you from breaking forth. I have put song in your heart, release it, beloved.

Obedience Born of Love

Matthew 5:48 (VOICE) But you are called to something higher: “Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.”

Beloved, I AM righteous just as you are you are called to righteousness. Being given the gift of grace in no way absolves you from the responsibility to walk in obedience. If salvation is your only motivation for obedience, then your heart is amiss.

Choose obedience out of your love for Me and out of a desire to please Me. I am well aware you will fall short, but your desire and efforts bless My heart and set you apart from the world. Continuing to try after you’ve failed demonstrates a keen perseverance and sends a message to those around you that I AM worth the effort. So be a person of integrity and holiness. Be like Me.

Rock of Ages

Isaiah 26:4 (AMPC) So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].

Beloved, I AM the Rock of Ages – an everlasting fortress and stronghold. I AM your safety and protection, your rear guard, the One who watches over you. Put your trust in Me. Rely on Me. Deem Me trustworthy, and allow your actions to reflect that. Show the world through your bold confidence in Me, that I AM who I say I AM – that I AM God.

Choose Me, beloved, without fear or second guessing. I AM the Lord of Hosts, the Everlasting Arms, I AM your rock – a very present help in times of trouble. Look to Me and know I always provide a way. Simply seek Me and I will guide your feet and make your path sure. For you are Mine, beloved, and I do not desert My own.

Child of the Day

John 3:21 (VOICE) Those who abandon deceit and embrace what is true, they will enter into the light where it will be clear that all their deeds come from God.

Beloved, walk in the light for you are a child of the day and righteousness shines like the sun. So therefore allow your good deeds and virtuous words to shine like the Son that My Spirit might emanate from your countenance.

Reject that which is evil. Abandon that which would ensnare you and walk in purity and truth. Be like Me and lead others by example. Cultivate humility as you choose the path of right regardless of the cost. I AM worth the price.

Keep Your Heart Fixed on Me and Walk Well

Psalm 17:5 (NLT) My steps have stayed on your path; I have not wavered from following you.

Beloved, stay fixed on Me. My desire for you to follow Me far surpasses your own, so trust that as your heart stays fixed, I will guide your steps. I will surround you with guardrails and angels – anything I need to do to help you succeed. Trust Me to lead.

But when there are moments you stumble, trust Me to snatch your feet from the net. Trust that My hand is ever extended to you for you to grab that I might pull you free. And trust that any seeming misstep will be used for good – to grow and teach you (or others) – not one thing is wasted. So keep your heart fixed on Me and walk well.

Walk in Bold Confidence

Nehemiah 8:10 (AMP)…And do not be worried, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and your stronghold.

Beloved, stand fast in what you know to be true. Refuse to be moved by feelings of worry, guilt, or shame; they have no part of you for you are Mine – beautiful and forgiven, draped in My grace. Rejoice! And allow that joy to reassure and strengthen you. I AM with you.

I AM your stronghold and the lifter of your head (Rum Rosh). Walk in bold confidence remembering you are a child of Mine. Let that confidence infuse others with strength as they learn and cling to their God-given identities. Believing Me and walking in My truth is a powerful weapon, for it declares I AM trustworthy and speak truth, thus My promises are true – indeed they are yes and amen. So again I say rejoice! Continue reading “Walk in Bold Confidence”