Blaze Forth

Matthew 5:14-15 (VOICE) And you, beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or a chair, and the light illumines the entire house.

Beloved, let your fervor and your zeal pour forth like a rising flood. Refining, bringing life, bringing refreshing, bringing healing. Resist the temptation to diminish who you are to make others more comfortable. For I have created you perfectly, exactly how I have intended you to be, and it is good. Blaze forth! Shining in all your glory. Reflecting Me. Let your passion fire ignite those around you. Spark them into roaring flames.

Your light overtakes the darkness, not the reverse. The darkness cannot overtake you for the radiance of My glory shines forth and nothing can make it dim. So burn brightly and in doing so give others permission to do the same.

I AM Trustworthy 

Psalm 100:5 (TPT) For the Lord is always good And ready to receive you. He’s so loving that it will amaze you, So kind that it will astound you! And He is so famous for His faithfulness toward all. Everyone knows our God can be trusted, For He keeps His promises to every generation!

Beloved, I AM faithful. From generation to generation I AM the same – steadfast and trustworthy. I keep My promises. My word does not return void. It accomplishes its purpose. For I watch over it to make certain it does, so important is My integrity to Me. I can be trusted. I AM trustworthy. I AM worthy of your confidence. I AM safe. I will always receive you. I will not turn My face from you. Take My hand and rest in My word and the truth of it.

Be like Me. Let your word be your bond. Do not give it lightly, and honor that you’ve said. Reflect Me. Reflect My character. Help the world know Me by seeing you. You are made in My image and likeness, and My Spirit resides within you – this is not too hard for you. Even the little things matter. Your integrity is exemplified by choices made when no one is looking. Walk in righteousness, beloved. Let your actions glorify Me.

Worth the Price 

1 Peter 1:18-19 (VOICE) You know that a price was paid to redeem you from following the empty ways handed on to you by your ancestors; it was not paid with things that perish (like silver and gold), but with the precious blood of the Anointed, who was like a perfect and unblemished sacrificial lamb.

Beloved, you were worth the price – though it was steep – you are that precious to Me. I want you to understand the depths of My love for you. I want you to understand your value. At the same time, I want you to understand what your sin cost because I want to see you choose wisely going forward. Though My grace is freely given, it isn’t free. It has a cost, a great one, you are simply worth it.

But do not fall prey to the enemy’s lies that a “small sin” here or a “little lie” there makes no difference. Beloved, you have been washed clean – don’t be coerced back into the muck and the mire – walk in integrity and righteousness. Choose wisely and exercise discernment. Do not trample the gift you’ve been given by treating it as though it has no value. Walk rightly and let your walk challenge others to do the same. Encourage one another in uprightness and love. Boldly be different from the world and do so unapologetically for this is not your home, don’t try to fit in. You belong with Me and you are Mine.  Continue reading “Worth the Price “

Walk Uprightly

Ephesians 6:14 (AMP) So stand firm and hold your ground…having put on the breastplate of righteousness (an upright heart),

Beloved, it matters not if everyone around you compromises their integrity, you know the level to which you are called. Walk in it. Without apology or hesitation. Not because you know I AM with you and see your actions, but because you refuse to lower yourself or compromise your integrity.

Walk in uprightness. Setting the example for those around you. You won’t need to say a word, rather lead by example. Show them that walking with Me makes you different, not in a self-righteous way, but rather one of quiet humility, compassion, and righteousness.

For I AM strengthening you. What you’re called to is not impossible. And in the moments it is difficult, know that it is growing the fruit of the Spirit within you. You can do it. I AM with you and I strengthen you. Do not give the enemy a toehold. But in the moments you fall short, quickly repent and right yourself. Uprightness protects your heart, beloved, and your heart is most precious to Me. Guard it well.

Love Like Me

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others]…

Beloved, to be like Me you must walk in love; thinking of others’ needs above your own and considering their interests and feelings. Bear with them in love. Take the high road, walking in humility even in moments when your flesh is screaming. Love.

I’m not asking you to let others use or abuse you; there are moments to stand fast, but there are moments to yield even when your flesh cries to be defensive or offended, but instead you walk like Me: in love. In understanding. In humility. I AM with you. I will strengthen you. Be known for your love.

Ephesians 4:2 (VOICE) Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love.


Isaiah 60:1 (ESV) Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.

Beloved, everywhere you look is My glory. The evidence of My touch surrounds you like a hug from heaven, giving witness of My reality so I cannot be denied. And not only does My glory surround you in My creation, but it is IN you – you who were created in My image – and you are the jewel in My crown, bursting forth in glory and beauty as you surrender your life to Me and your will to Mine.

As you yield yourself to Me, My glory shines in and through you in such a way that all can see and are drawn in to its warmth. Do not hide it away or try to dim it because it intimidates others or incites them to jealousy (because they have yet to surrender to Me thus allowing Me to shine through them too). Be all I have made and anointed you to be, and be it unashamedly and unreservedly. Shine, beloved. Shine.

Seek Peace and Harmony

1 Corinthians 1:10 (TLB) But, dear brothers, I beg you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop arguing among yourselves. Let there be real harmony so that there won’t be splits in the church. I plead with you to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.

Beloved, seek peace and harmony among the brethren. As you consider others above yourself and extend grace and mercy – seeking to understand, assuming positive intent, and covering your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer – you will find it easy to operate with My heart and in My love. Pray first, speak second – if at all. Trust My Holy Spirit to do the work in each other’s hearts. Each of you is responsible for your own personal growth and My Holy Spirit will show you what areas to work on next – just as you trust Me to do that in you, trust that I will do the same in others.

Resist the urge to be prideful if I’ve already addressed and area with you and you’re walking in victory in it, but your brother is not. Extend the grace you wanted to receive, use your strengths to cover one another’s weaknesses. Truly function as a body. Walking in love and tenderly caring for each other, compensating when one area is weakened or hurt, allowing time for strength and maturity to be built. Love one another and bear with one another in love.

Lead by example. Even if others walk in pride and point out your weaknesses – exploiting rather than covering – do not respond in kind, but rather walk in humility as My Son did – simply being Who I created Him to be and acting in a way that was pleasing to Me rather than retaliating or defending Himself. Trust Me to cover you when your brethren let you down, but don’t stop walking in the manner I have called you to because even if no one else sees it, I do.

Do Not Be Distracted By the “Good”

Psalm 127:1 (VOICE) Unless the Eternal builds the house, those who labor to raise it will have worked for nothing. Unless the Eternal stands watch over the city, those who guard it have wasted their time.

Beloved, don’t waste your efforts on things I have not called you to, expending your energy and leaving yourself too worn out to complete the tasks to which you have been assigned.  If the enemy cannot stop you from doing good, he will try to deplete your energy and divide your vision by putting “good” things in your path to keep you from the things I have called you to put your efforts and energy to. Stick to your call. Stay aligned with My perfect will. There will always be more “good” things to turn your time and efforts to than you could possibly begin to complete.

Do not be distracted or emotionally manipulated into doing things I have not called you to. In doing these things not only to you misuse the resources I’ve given you, but you block the path of the one I HAVE called to do that “good” thing. So step out of the way. Be ok with saying no – trusting that all those involved want you only where I want you and if they don’t, THEY are out of alignment, not you – that isn’t for you to fix. You leading by example that following My will and trusting Me to put everyone in their right place encourages others to do the same.