Hope as You Wait

Romans 12:12 (VOICE) Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer.

Beloved, hope as you wait. Stay in a place of joyous expectation because you know who I AM and you know My character. You trust Me. You choose to trust Me.

Share your heart with Me in prayer. And remember to cast your cares on Me, for I AM fully willing and able to carry it all. So stir up your hope, and wait in joyous peace knowing the God you serve is completely faithful. 

Unquenchable Passion

Song of Solomon 8:7 (VOICE) No amount of water can quench love; a raging flood cannot drown it out…

Beloved, burn with a passion that refuses to be quenched. No trial or perceived lack can cause you to doubt the intensity of your feelings for Me. The actions of others cannot shift your gaze, but rather your wholehearted love is steadfast and sure. 

Be ardent, beloved. Singleminded and unwavering in your affection. Then allow your actions to flow from this foundation of love, for when you love Me to a point of near obsession, you cannot hate or resent My creation. Mirroring My heart of grace and compassion becomes easier because your heart is fixed on Me. 

In the same way, your work will flow from a heart of love rather than obligation. You’ll know you have no need to earn My affection because it is already most assuredly yours. Then the joy of partnering with Me truly is a joy and not a burden. So flow from a place of love and burn with unquenchable passion for Me. Continue reading “Unquenchable Passion”

Season of Breakthrough

Isaiah 61:2 (VOICE) He has sent me to announce the year of jubilee, the season of the Eternal’s favor: for our enemies it will be a day of God’s wrath; For those who mourn it will be a time of comfort.

Beloved, the time for mourning is past. Embrace the season of breakthrough with all the joy of a new day. Those that come against you shall fail, and those who stand beside you will prosper. 

Resist the urge to rejoice in the defeat of your enemies. Instead pray that they would choose more wisely – that all may see, know, and embrace truth, and walk in the freedom of righteousness. 

Hold On – I AM is Coming

Revelation 1:8 (AMP)  “I am the Alpha and the Omega [the Beginning and the End],” says the Lord God, “Who is [existing forever] and Who was [continually existing in the past] and Who is to come, the Almighty [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all].”

Beloved, be expectant. I AM coming. Yes, you see darkness all around you, but I have placed in you My light for all to see. So shine and shine brightly. Be a beacon reminding all of the joyous promise of My coming. 

Do not despair for the world around you, rather focus on bringing truth and shining brightly into every corner that all may see and know: hold on – I AM is coming. 

Key to the Kingdom: Guard Your Mouth

Psalm 141:3 (VOICE) Guard my mouth, O Eternal One; control what I say. Keep a careful watch on every word I speak.

Beloved, a fool can be known by the volume of His words, so be slow to speak and weigh each word knowing you will have to answer for each one. So choose to bless rather than curse, to build up rather than tear down, and to speak life rather than death. Resist the urge to indulge in careless or needless words, for you often may not understand their impact until it is too late. 

The mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart, so tend the garden of your heart well. Refuse to allow bitterness, anger, or judgment to take root there. Meditate on that which is good. Choose joy and hope and love. Flow from that place and spread life to all those around you from the wellspring of your heart. 

Mighty Praise

Psalm 149:9 (TPT) Praise-filled warriors will enforce the judgment-doom decreed against their enemies. This is the glorious honor he gives to all his godly lovers. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Beloved, draw strength from the fullness of joy you’ve received having been freed from fear by My infinite love. Allow praise to overflow from your heart of joy, and gratitude for My immeasurable love. No greater weapon can you wield than a heart of praise for Me. 

Praise Me for My holiness and praise Me for My mercy. Without a word of criticism, the enemy is slain. Worship Me for My goodness, adore Me for My love – stand in awe and know that simple, singular focus is more mighty than you know.  Continue reading “Mighty Praise”

Hover in My Presence

Psalm 91:1 (TPT) When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.

Beloved, hover in My presence. Rest under My covering. In Me will you find peace. In Me will you find healing. And in Me will you find joy, safety, and so much more. So rest in Me, refusing to be drawn away.

Beloved, the choice is yours: to hover close or to step out from under My wings. Be mindful of the consequences of both and be intentional to choose wisely. I will not force you to seek My presence and protection, but I long to lavish you with it. I never grow tired of you or weary of your needs.

So tarry with Me, be intentional to stay close. Just as a child might cling to a parent for a feeling of safety, so you should remain with Me – your heart ever tarrying, clinging tightly to Me because in Me you find your hope and your refuge. Find your strength in Me.

The Coming Harvest

Psalm 126:6 (VOICE) Those who weep as they walk and plant with sighs Will return singing with joy, when they bring home the harvest.

Beloved, I have seen your tearful sowing and know well the cost and your pain. But just as I have assured you that “Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy.*” So you may also be encouraged that harvest will surely come.

I will not be mocked, that which you sow you shall most surely reap, so sow with wisdom and intention – knowing the cost is well worth the multiplication that is to come.

*Psalm 30:5 (TLB)

Manifest Provision

Galatians 6:7 (VOICE) Make no mistake: God can’t be mocked. What you give is what you get. What you sow, you harvest.

Beloved, trust the process. You have been faithful to give, so you will be faithful to receive. Resist the urge to be impatient in the pause in between the two. For a cheerful giver gives simply for the joy of giving, not as a manipulation to receive. So keep your heart pure and give from a place of loving obedience, and refuse to let anything steal that joy.

I AM faithful and I AM good. What I have said, I will do. I cannot operate in a manner opposed to My character. So quietly wait in steadfast assurance knowing that I will multiply back to you your harvest. I AM fertile soil, so when you sow in Me you will reap abundantly.

Praises Rise

Psalm 149:5 (TPT) His godly lovers triumph in the glory of God, and their joyful praises will rise even while others sleep.

Beloved, let your praises rise. Let them rise both in triumph and in the expectation of it. Let it rise at all times. Your steadfast, joyful praise is an audible banner lifted high – a clear reminder to all of Who I AM: I AM God, the Lord of Hosts, the Mighty One, and I reign. 

Refuse to be silent. Refuse to be distracted. Let your joyful praise come forth like refreshing waters encouraging yourself and all those around you. You know who you are because you know Who I AM. Walk boldly in your identity as a child of Mine.  Continue reading “Praises Rise”