I AM Increasing You

Isaiah 54:2-3 (VOICE) Enlarge your house. You are going to need a bigger place; don’t underestimate the amount of room that you’ll need. So build, build, build. You will increase in every direction to fill the world. Your offspring will take over the nations; Your people will revitalize long-abandoned towns.

Beloved, I have more for you than you can begin to imagine. Keep your gaze fixed on Me and pursue Me with determined intent, then make ready for increase and pour out from your overflow.

I AM increasing you to the left and the right. I AM blessing you with more than enough because I know you are generous and will share liberally. Be intentional to remember that I AM the giver, and I give in abundance. Refuse to align with lack. Trust Me, and trust My hand as I move in and through you.

Reflecting Me

Isaiah 2:5 (VOICE) O house of Jacob— people of the promise —come, come walk with me by the light of the Eternal.

Beloved, fall in love with the light, for you are a child of the day and the darkness will not overcome you. For you shine, beloved, as your countenance reflects My glory. So dwell in My presence, and allow My love to saturate you fully.

Then, beloved, as you walk in that glorious warm glow of one who knows Me and is loved by Me, others will be drawn in. For My love is irresistible, and My light is life to their bones. So shine, beloved, and shine brightly, knowing you are reflecting Me.

Speak in Faith

Jeremiah 1:10 (VOICE) This very day I appointed you to speak with My authority over nations and kingdoms. Your word — My word — will have the power to uproot and stamp out; it will destroy and upend. And then your word—My word— will rebuild and plant anew.

Beloved, refuse to underestimate the power of the words you speak. For I AM the one who has filled your mouth, so your power and authority comes from Me. Truly your tongue holds the power of life and death, so wield that authority wisely.

Speak with expectancy, and have faith in the Power behind your words. For I AM Elohim Yakol – God Most Able, and nothing is too hard for Me. So expect Me to move. Expect the manifestation of My power. Expect the fullness of My glory. Speak in faith, beloved, and then wait to see Me move. Continue reading “Speak in Faith”

Focus on the Things Ahead

Isaiah 43:18 (NIV) “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

Beloved, put your focus on the things ahead. Resist the urge to get mired in the past. Yes, it is wise to learn from past mistakes, but refuse to get caught up in those momentary failures or allow them to mandate your present.

In the same way, refuse to allow the highs of past victories to distract you from moving forward. I take you from glory unto glory, so refuse to settle for less. Continue moving forward to new adventures and victories that I have awaiting you.

I AM the Way Maker

Isaiah 43:19 (NLT) For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

Beloved, get ready for what comes next. I love to surprise you and to stretch you. So prepare your heart for My plans, whatever they may be. Enjoy the journey – with all its twists and turns, for you know that I AM with you and at work in it all for good.

Cultivate a sense of expectancy based on who you know I AM. Wait with joy as you step out in faith knowing I AM making the way straight for you. Look for My hand at work, and rejoice and give glory to Me. For, beloved, I AM the way maker and nothing is too hard for Me.

A Reflection of My Magnificent Glory

Isaiah 6:4 (AMP) And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, and the temple was filling with smoke.

Beloved, enter My holy place. Let the resonance of My voice move you – may it stir you to action. May you be changed in My presence. And may any outer protective layer you’ve created for yourself tremble and be shaken free. 

Be naked and unashamed, beloved. You’ve no need to hide yourself or try to shield yourself from Me. I AM the One true God and the Lover of your soul, so find your identity in Me. For you are a reflection of My magnificent glory, so be radiant without shame. 

Isaiah 6:1-3 (VOICE) In the same year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a grand throne way up high with a flowing cape that filled the whole temple. Bright flaming creatures waited on Him. Each had six wings: two covering its face, two covering its feet, and two for flying. Like some fiery choir, they would call back and forth continually. Flaming Creatures: Holy, holy, holy is the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies! The earth is filled with His glorious presence!

It All Starts with Love

Isaiah 11:6 (VOICE) A day will come when the wolf will live peacefully beside the wobbly-kneed lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat; The calf and yearling, newborn and slow, will rest secure with the lion; and a little child will tend them all.

Beloved, knowing that peace reigns in My Kingdom, choose wherever possible to live in peace. Bring heaven to earth by choosing harmony through selflessness and humility. Bear with those around you with perseverant love. For love reigns above all.

So choose love. Choose harmony. Choose peace. Choose humility. Be the bigger person. Care more for reflecting My heart than for defending yourself or protecting your pride. Choose Me and My ways first, and remember it all starts with love.

Be Undone

Isaiah 6:5 (NKJV) So I said: “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.”

Beloved, as you rightly see Me, you cannot help but be humbled. It is not a bad thing to be completely wrecked in My presence. You are safe with me, so be undone. Let the trappings of the world disappear and see rightly, for from that place truth comes forth. 

Beloved, I break that I might heal – and I strengthen you in the healing. I prepare you for the times ahead. Trust yourself to Me, and be undone in My presence. Then let me bring strength and restoration as I commission you for the road ahead.  Continue reading “Be Undone”

In My Presence is Peace

Isaiah 41:10 (VOICE) So don’t be afraid. I am here, with you; don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, help you. I am here with My right hand to make right and to hold you up.

Beloved, no matter how overwhelming the chaos of the world may feel, know that I AM with you. And I AM YHVH Shalom (the Lord your peace) – the Prince of Peace, so find your rest in Me. For I bring a peace no circumstance can steal, nor any storm shake. 

Beloved, in My presence is peace, so hover close to Me. Resist the urge to overthink your circumstance. Instead simply quiet your heart in the middle of wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, and intentionally yield to Me. I AM sovereign and I AM good. Rest in Me.

A Time to Fight

Isaiah 27:1 (VOICE) On that day, the Eternal One will unsheathe His sword—fierce, great, and strong—and punish the monster of chaos and terror, Leviathan the fleeing serpent. He will strike Leviathan, the twisting serpent, and slay the dragon of the sea.

Beloved, there is a time to fight, and in that time I will move decisively and in victory. Move with Me, for I AM YHVH Tsaba – the Lord of hosts. I command the heavenly armies, and they defer to My command. 

Be ready to move at My prompting. Trust that you’ve been prepared. Yield to Me as I lead you, and leave the victory in My hands, for I AM a warrior. YHVH is My name.