YHVH Tsidkenu (the Lord your Righteousness)

Proverbs 2:7 (VOICE) He has stored up the essentials of sound wisdom for those who do right; He acts as a shield for those who value integrity.

Beloved, I AM the righteous One – YHVH Tsidkenu, the Lord your righteousness, and I value integrity. I have wisdom and insight stored up for those who seek to walk uprightly. And to those who treat with honor that which they’ve been given, more will be bestowed. 

So seek My face and choose to act rightly – according to My definition, not what seems right to the eyes of men or to your own heart. Rather seek Me and know My ways, then walk in them. And know that as you seek to walk with Me, I will make your pathway sure. 

Live Honestly and in Harmony

Malachi 2:6 (VOICE) He spoke the law of truth, and falsehood was not found on his lips. In peace and justice he walked with Me, and he turned many from iniquity by his words and example;

Beloved, resist the urge to compromise your integrity. There is no such thing as a small lie. Even what appears as minor and innocuous opens doors in the spiritual realm and shifts things in the natural. 

Be known as a person of character. Be someone who resists falsehood, and who loves justice and peace. Lead by example, beloved. Be steadfast, and live in honesty and harmony.  Continue reading “Live Honestly and in Harmony”

Change Lives as You Lead

Malachi 2:6 (GW) The teaching that came from his mouth was true. Nothing unjust was found on his lips. He lived with me in peace and honesty and turned many people away from sin.

Beloved, let injustice be so far from your character that you are known as a lover of truth and righteousness. Show those around you what a life in Me looks like. Be honest and transparent. Resist sinful tendencies. I AM your strength. 

Walk with Me. Lead by example. Let your actions speak loudly while your words are those of truth, love, and encouragement. Resist the urge to be self-righteous or condemn those around you. Walk in truth, and change lives as you lead. 

The Ripple Effect

Matthew 5:16 (VOICE) You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me , and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it .

Beloved, cultivate the light and life within you. Resist the urge to do anything that dims or besmirches. Operate in a high level of integrity. Resist self-righteousness and judgment. Be transparent and lead by example. 

Walk in a way that honors Me and brings Me glory. Others will be challenged and changed simply by seeing how you live. So live in steadfast devotion to Me, and watch the ripple effect that faithful adoration has on yourself and those around you. 

Holy and Set Apart

Malachi 2:6 (TLB) He passed on to the people all the truth he got from me. He did not lie or cheat; he walked with me, living a good and righteous life, and turned many from their lives of sin.

Beloved, I pour in that you might pour out. You are a conduit not a reservoir. You are set apart with an intentional call and purpose. Walk in it. Release that which I have deposited in you. 

Walk in truth and righteousness, beloved. You have no idea the impact your simple obedience has in heaven and on earth. It is atmosphere changing. Walk with Me – holy and set apart. 

Ardent Devotion

Numbers 25:11 (TPT) Eternal One:  Phinehas (Eleazar’s son and Priest Aaron’s grandson) has done well. He saved the Israelites. Because he was so zealous on My account, tolerating no compromise, I did not consume the people of Israel with My jealousy.

Beloved, I see your passion for Me. Your unreserved willingness to be obedient. Your steadfast intention to walk in integrity and model it for those around you by intentionally setting the bar high and through your very actions challenging them to step up and be their best self. 

I do not take your zeal lightly. And though you’ve acted in quiet humility, I will raise you up and showcase you as one who loves Me with their whole heart. So continue to shine brightly, beloved, and know that I recognize and am moved by your ardent devotion.  Continue reading “Ardent Devotion”

Cover in Love

Philippians 2:2 (TPT) So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.

Beloved, extend grace to those around you remembering the times you yourself have needed it extended to you. Respond to offense with mercy, respond to anger with love, and respond to pride with humility. 

When faced with unkindness, refuse to respond in like manner. Demonstrate your godly character through your grace and steadfastly loving responses. Remember that their words and behaviors are representative of who they are rather than who you are. Cover them in love and pray for them. 

Align with Justice

Psalm 89:14 (GW) Righteousness and justice are the foundations of your throne. Mercy and truth stand in front of you.

Beloved, I AM the righteous judge. I alone see rightly for I am intimately acquainted with the actions and heart motivations of men. Ask Me for wisdom. Ask Me for insight. Strive to see as I see.

Bring forth justice in the earth. Pray for it. Facilitate it. Make wrong things right – even in the small things, even in the things with no legal consequence – remember that I see differently than you and My understanding of justice is unique.

Stand for righteousness. Stand for truth. Stand for integrity. Stand for honor. Stand for respect. Stand for that which is right. Align with justice and be a voice for it in the earth.

Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

Job 28:28 (CSB) He said to mankind, “The fear of the LORD –that is wisdom. And to turn from evil is understanding.”

Beloved, as you see Me as I AM, you cannot help but be moved by My holiness and respond in kind. In reverential fear, choose to reject that which is evil and turn your back on sin. Resist temptation.

Allow your heart to be so tender that a gentle whisper from My Spirit brings conviction and change. Willingly yield to My Spirit, beloved, and choose to flow in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.

Look to My Spirit to Guide

1 Corinthians 2:16 (AMP) For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes].

Beloved, My Spirit has been given to you to teach and guide you in all things. Nothing is too trivial for My notice – for if it concerns you, it concerns Me. So seek My face and ask My counsel. Be intentional about doing My will and living in a way that is pleasing to Me.

Refuse to be derailed by worldly compromises – even if others’ might see them as “not a big deal” know that anything that creates distance between us is significant and not worth partaking in. Yes, beloved, I extend grace, but resist the urge to use it lightly for it came at a high cost. Free is not without value. It is a precious, weighty gift, so walk in righteousness, and look to My Spirit to guide.