The Presence of My Perfect Love

1 John 4:18 (TPT) Love never brings fear, for fear is always related to punishment. But love’s perfection drives the fear of punishment far from our hearts…

Beloved, fear is abolished in the presence of My perfect love. You no longer need to fear punishment, for even though I chasten those I love, I do so in love. If I wound, I heal. And if I break, I bind. And even then beloved, I only do so when it is necessary and I AM with you through it all. 

You are cherished and loved. I AM not looking for things to reprimand you for nor seeking reason to punish you. I AM a good Father, and I love My children. Receive that love and be made whole. 

I AM YHVH Rapha (Healer)

Matthew 14:14 (AMP) When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt [profound] compassion for them and healed their sick.

Beloved, I AM a God of deep compassion. My eyes are not blind nor My heart closed, I AM moved by the trials of My people. I love My children. I AM YHVH Rapha, the Lord your healer. I love to heal My children! Ask Me to do so and ask in faith knowing I AM able and willing.

But beloved, if your healing is delayed, refuse to take on doubt or self-condemnation, know it is not a result of Me not caring or not loving you. Refuse to believe the lies the enemy would tempt you with. Refuse to be offended by My decisions trusting I AM at work in the lives of my children who I deeply love. Blessed are those who are not offended by Me.

And even if your healing has been long-awaited and hope has begun to fade, refuse to stop asking and standing in faith for it to come. I AM a miracle-working God, and I love to move on behalf of My children. Continue reading “I AM YHVH Rapha (Healer)”

Choose Joy

Proverbs 17:22 (NLT) A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

Beloved, choose joy for it is not based on circumstance. It is found in My presence. It is always there for you and it strengthens you. Literally. It builds you up and heals your heart – and it is even healing to your body.

Refuse to be tempted to bitterness, resentment, anger, or hopelessness. Rather shift your heart to focus on that which is good – clinging to the truth of My promises in the face of opposition and being steadfast in joy when confronted with trials.

Joy is a choice. Cling to gratitude regardless of circumstance, and shift the atmosphere with your laughter for I AM good. That truth always remains. So beloved, be intentional to always choose joy. It is contagious. A blessing that spreads. Be a catalyst. Choose joy. Continue reading “Choose Joy”

Watch as I Move

Ephesians 1:19 (TPT) I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you!…

Beloved, though I cannot be controlled or manipulated, there is power I have made available to you that is accessible through your faith. As you partner with Me, the fullness of My glory is made manifest and demonstrates the awesome working of My mighty strength. This is done that the world might know Me and the character of who I AM – My sovereignty.

So exercise your faith in accordance with My word. Be expectant of the miraculous. Intercede and ask for the assistance of the hosts of heaven. Believe because you KNOW who I AM. Then watch as I move and testify of My goodness for I AM God. Continue reading “Watch as I Move”

Receiving the Gift

Isaiah 53:5 (VOICE) But he was hurt because of us; he suffered so. Our wrongdoing wounded and crushed him. He endured the breaking that made us whole. The injuries he suffered became our healing.

Beloved, My Son was born that He might die – graciously sacrificing Himself on your behalf, His love poured out for you – a selfless and perfect offering made on your behalf. The cost was high. Yet we choose it willingly because that is the depth of the love of God.

Refuse to waste the gift you’ve been given. Walk in the freedom that came at so dear a price. Cling to the Blood-bought healing for your body, mind, soul, and spirit. The price has been paid, there’s no need to try to pay again out of a mistaken sense of guilt or shame. Don’t belittle the sacrifice given out of love on your behalf. Receive the fullness of the gift. Continue reading “Receiving the Gift”

Trust Your Times in My Hands

Isaiah 46:10 (VOICE) From the beginning I declare how things will end; from times long past, I tell what is yet to be, saying: “My intentions will come to pass. I will make things happen as I determine they should.”

Beloved, trust My timing. Nothing happens by accident or without My notice, and nothing is beyond My care. Regardless of the enemy’s ploys, I will prevail. Trust Me at My word for I AM faithful and I AM good.

I work all things for good, so even in the moments you cannot see My hand, trust Me to move. Trust Me to heal. Trust Me to restore. Trust Me to work through every hurt, rejection, and pain and bring forth life. Beloved, My word will not return void, rather I watch over it to ensure each and every promise comes to pass. Trust your times in My hands.

Refuse to Overlook the High Places

2 Chronicles 20:33 (AMPC) But the high places [of idolatry] were not taken away, for the people had not yet set their hearts on their fathers’ God.

Beloved, ask Me to show you the idols in your life that you simply don’t see. Too often My people overlook the high places that have been in place for generations, allowing them to simply be part of the landscape, but My desire for you – My perfect will – is for them to be seen and torn down. Refuse to overlook the high places.

I AM the only One worthy of your worship and I AM a jealous God, I have no desire to share your affections with idols. Seek your heart, beloved, and do so in truth, allowing Me to show you things you’re holding above or apart from Me. I know your desire is to be single minded towards Me, so open your heart and still your mind and be willing for Me to bring change. It is change that will heal.

Carrier of My Living Water

Revelation 22:1 (VOICE) My heavenly guide brought me to the river of pure living waters, shimmering as brilliantly as crystal. It flowed out from the throne of God and of the Lamb,

Beloved, My living water flows fresh and clear from heaven – raining down on you. Raise your arms and open your heart and receive My flow. Drink deeply, beloved, and allow the refreshing, life-giving flow to saturate every area of your being and your life. You are a beautiful vessel, beloved, let Me fill you to overflowing.

And then, beloved, pour it forth on the dry and cracked people and places and situations around you. You are a conduit – a carrier of Me – to a lost and dying world who desperately need a touch from Me. Be that touch. Minister My love, My healing, My refreshing, My living water and bring forth life and life abundantly all around you.

Recharge in My Presence 

Acts 3:19 (VOICE) So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord.

Beloved, take the time to recharge in My presence. You are called to usher in My presence wherever you go, changing the atmosphere around you and reflecting the glory that is Me. You cannot do that effectively if you are wiped out, exhausted, and spiritually dry. Do not run out of oil, beloved, for the oil of My Spirit brings healing and restoration – it is vital to bring life. Keep your oil full, your lamp prepared, and your light shining brightly.

Refresh with Me. Recharge with Me. Let Me refill you, restore and renew you. Rest in Me and let Me have My way in your heart, beloved, for My touch is gentle and My love for you knows no bounds. Continue reading “Recharge in My Presence “

Be Naked and Unashamed 

James 5:16a (AMP) Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored.

Beloved, do not let pride or shame or fear of judgement keep you from confessing your sins. The enemy desires to keep you in bondage to them, wrapping you tightly in feelings of guilt and shame because he knows your confession will usher in freedom for you and he wants to keep you from it. Don’t let him.

Be naked and unashamed, willing to be transparent and vulnerable with your siblings in Christ. Trust that I will protect your heart, and trust that I will move in theirs as they respond to you and pray for you. Allow the fullness of your healing to come. Be restored and fully transformed. Be free.