Exodus 31:3 (VOICE) I have filled him with God’s Spirit, gifted him with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and skills with a variety of crafts.
Beloved, I have gifted you with ideas and insights that supersede natural ability. Walk in the fullness of what you have been given. Trust My Spirit of Wisdom to be upon you that you might know things you did not know and be gifted in ways you did not expect.
Expect the unexpected from Me, beloved, for I delight to see My Spirit at work in you. I will grant you a way of seeing things that is unique and I do so for My purpose. Magnify Me, beloved, with your words, actions, and deeds. What you do, do in excellence to honor Me.
Whatever craft I have laid your hands to, do it for my glory. Flow in My Spirit of Wisdom. Know the ideas that come from Me when they arrive, and execute them for My glory. Continue reading “Spirit of Wisdom”