Welcomed to My Throne Room

Revelation 4:3 (VOICE) The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow.

Beloved, be caught up into My throne room – you are welcome here. Be caught up in My presence. Allow My glory to overtake you like a rushing wave. Be immersed in the weight of My majesty and love. Be undone.

See Me as I AM, beloved: high and lifted up. I AM welcoming you to be with Me, to be changed in My presence. To behold My majesty and be overwhelmed by My splendor. Make time for Me. Take time in communion with Me.

See those who surround My throne and respond likewise. Allow your knees to weaken in holy reverence and fall to your face crying “Holy! Holy! Holy!” See Me as I AM. Experience Me and be forever changed by a real and powerful encounter with the Living God. Continue reading “Welcomed to My Throne Room”

The Sound of Heaven

Revelation 15:2-3 (TLB) Spread out before me was what seemed to be an ocean of fire and glass, and on it stood all those who had been victorious over the Evil Creature… All were holding harps of God, and they were singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb…

Beloved, lift your voice and release the sound of heaven. Draw from My frequency and release it in the earth. This isn’t about perfection or even excellence or gifting, this is about a heart pursuing relentlessly after Me.

Stay in tune. Stay in My presence. Stay in My flow and allow My Spirit to guide as you pour out from the overflow of your heart. Be not afraid to release My song, open your mouth and let go just as a dove releasing from human hands takes flight and soars, so shall the songs of heaven you release.

In Freedom You Are Made Whole

Revelation 12:11 (KJV) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Beloved, the threat of death no longer hangs over you for I have given you everlasting life. The enemy cannot steal this gift. Though he will try to thwart My plans in the earthly realm, eternity is in My hand and you, beloved, are Mine.

In this place of life is freedom, for no threat can change your eternal home as you cling steadfastly to Me. And in that freedom you are made whole. In that freedom, your light shines brightly – radiantly reflecting My glory – and drawing others to My Son.

Refuse to be dimmed. Refuse to be intimidated, clinging steadfastly to the truth of Who I AM. I AM YHVH, the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, the Eternal One, and I reign.

Dragon Slayer

Revelation 12:4 (AMP) And his tail swept [across the sky] and dragged away a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the earth. And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.

Be mindful beloved, that the evil one is always waiting to steal your fruit and destroy your inheritance. And yet, victory is already in your hand. Be aware, but not overwhelmed. Refuse to be intimidated or to surrender to fear. Stand tall and be steadfast, victory is assured.

Trust My Spirit to lead and instruct. Stay in the flow. Nothing is too hard for Me. The enemy of your soul will not overtake you, refuse to allow him to distract your gaze, press into Me. Together we will fight. Together we will succeed. Like a dragon slayer of old, no foe is too great to defeat. I AM with you.

Let Your Faith and Your Walk Testify

Revelation 12:11 (VOICE) By the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witnesses, they have become victorious over him, For they did not hold on to their lives, even under threat of death.

Beloved, refuse to allow even the strongest of threats to silence your voice or to shift your feet from the path I’ve set before you. Be obedient to My prompting regardless of the potential outcomes trusting that I AM sovereign. I have a plan and your role in that plan is good.

Yield to Me. Surrendering your plans and hopes and dreams to Me. Trust that My thoughts and plans are good, far better even than you could imagine yourself. Declare My goodness without a word through your obedience and underscore it with the word of your testimony. Let your faith and your walk declare who I AM.

Make Ready

John 16:12 (GW) “I have a lot more to tell you, but that would be too much for you now.

Beloved, I have more to share with you than you could possibly imagine. How much I ultimately share in part depends on you and your preparedness. Will you make room for that which I would impart?

In the same way that to move furniture into your home, you must prepare a space for it for it to be beneficial, so you must make room for Me and for My revelation. The place you make ready determines what comes. If you prepare only a corner of a room, enough furniture to redecorate the whole house would be overwhelming.

So prepare your heart, make time and space for Me. Prepare your mind, saturate yourself in My word. Prepare your spirit, stay tuned into my frequency and firmly in My flow. Make ready, beloved, that I might share the fullness of all I have for you.

His Depths Know No Bounds

Job 36:26 (TLB) God is so great that we cannot begin to know him. No one can begin to understand eternity.

Beloved, I AM limitless. My depths know no bounds. There is always more – always more love, always more revelation, always more wisdom, always more mysteries – always more of Me. You cannot reach the ends of Me, for I AM greater than you know – but how worthy of pursuit!

Choosing to spend your life plumbing My depths is a life well spent. Bear in mind, My love, that the journey is the point. All of those precious revelations and moments along the way may not be an ultimate destination, but they are the primary purpose. Relationships are always built in the moments. Choosing to “waste” your moments on Me is never the wrong choice.

The Key is to Call

Jeremiah 33:3 (MSG) ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’

Beloved, the key is to call. Too many desire intimacy with Me, but don’t pursue Me. Too many long to share in My mysteries, yet never even ask. Resist the urge to leave the pursuit to Me, and ask, seek, and knock – for the door will be opened.

Make time for Me. Make space in your life and quiet your heart. Listen for My voice. You will have trouble hearing if you are forever speaking, so be intentional about being quiet. Then trust My voice. Trust that it’s My voice you hear and that I can correct you if you are led astray. Keep your heart set on Me and refuse to allow your focus to be drawn away. I AM worth your attention, beloved, and I have so much I long to share.

Meditate on My Word

Psalm 119:18 (TPT) Open my eyes to see the miracle-wonders hidden in your word.

Beloved, ask Me to open your eyes to the glory of who I AM. Ask Me to bring deep revelation through My word. Desire to see and know. Crave to hear and understand. Then taste and see the beauty of all I AM.

If you would know Me, meditate on My word, beloved. My heart and My ways are embedded on each page. Pursue Me. Allow My heart as revealed through My word to change and mold you, making you more like Me.

Refuse to Overlook the High Places

2 Chronicles 20:33 (AMPC) But the high places [of idolatry] were not taken away, for the people had not yet set their hearts on their fathers’ God.

Beloved, ask Me to show you the idols in your life that you simply don’t see. Too often My people overlook the high places that have been in place for generations, allowing them to simply be part of the landscape, but My desire for you – My perfect will – is for them to be seen and torn down. Refuse to overlook the high places.

I AM the only One worthy of your worship and I AM a jealous God, I have no desire to share your affections with idols. Seek your heart, beloved, and do so in truth, allowing Me to show you things you’re holding above or apart from Me. I know your desire is to be single minded towards Me, so open your heart and still your mind and be willing for Me to bring change. It is change that will heal.