My Powerful Hand

Psalm 44:2 (VOICE) With a powerful hand, You drove the nations from this land, but then You planted our parents here. You fought for us against people of this land; You set our parents free to enjoy its goodness.

Beloved, in my mercy I created a place for you. I carved out somewhere for you to belong. In my strength – the power of My right hand, I make way for you and bring you blessing. Why then are you tempted to move in your own strength? Why then do you strive to make your own way?

You are Mine, beloved, and I take care of My children. Rest in Me. Trust in My strength and provision. Allow Me to lead you that you might know – in good times and in bad – I AM your God. 

YHVH Gibbor Milchamah (the Lord Mighty in Battle)

Psalm 24:8 (VOICE) Who is the glorious King? The Eternal who is powerful and mightily equipped for battle.

Beloved, rejoice for I AM the Lord of Hosts – YHVH Tsaba, the Lord mighty in battle – YHVH Gibbor Milchamah. Nothing defeats Me. Stand fast by My side and trust Me, refusing to allow your faith to waver, for you know My name. 

Beloved, is anything to hard for Me? Is anything beyond My reach? Refuse to allow circumstances or intimidation tactics from the enemy to induce fear or doubt. I AM the victorious One and you stand with Me.

My Right Hand

Psalm 44:3 (VOICE) They did not win the land with their swords. It wasn’t their strength that won them victory. It was Your strength —Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your presence that gave them success, for You loved them.

Beloved, nothing is too hard for Me. Victory is not won by your own strength, but by your ability to rest in Me and Mine. I AM the Lord victorious. I AM El Gibbor, the mighty God. Hide in the shadow of My wing. 

Run to Me, your strong tower. I AM your refuge of strength – a very present help in times of trouble, and a place of refreshing in the times of plenty. Cling to Me and trust My right hand to protect and provide. 

Fiery Baptism of My Love

Matthew 3:11 (GW) I baptize you with water so that you will change the way you think and act. But the one who comes after me is more powerful than I. I am not worthy to remove his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Beloved, be baptized in My Spirit and My love’s refining fire. You cannot encounter the living God and walk away unchanged. By My breath the dead are raised. By My Spirit you speak in unknown tongues. By My fire you are purified. 

Be immersed in My powerful presence and be set free. Embrace My wonderworking touch and be strengthened and renewed. I AM the one who brings life, and brings it in abundance. Look to Me, and receive the fiery baptism of My love.

My Dominion is Everlasting

Psalm 145:13 (VOICE) Your kingdom will never end; Your rule will endure forever. [You are faithful to Your promise, and Your acts are marked with grace.]

Beloved, My dominion is everlasting. My sovereignty knows no end. There is no promise I will be unable to fulfill or whose outcome is beyond My reach. Rest in My hands. Trust your heart and hopes and dreams to Me.

Will I ignore the pleas of My children? Am I a bad father who neglects those he is called to cover and protect? Surely not! I AM slow to anger and rich in mercy, and I keep My promises from generation to generation. Trust yourself in My hands.

Adon Olam (Master of the World/Sovereign of the Universe)

Matthew 6:13 (KJV) …For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Beloved, see Me for who I AM: Lord of all, Adon Olam – the Master of the World, Sovereign of the Universe – and I AM the ultimate authority. See Me as I AM, for in doing so your faith will rise. And allow that faith to increase your understanding that truly nothing is too difficult for Me.

So declare the truth of who I AM and bring praise to My holy name. Give honor to Me, beloved, and watch how I move. See My power on display. Have eyes to see the miracles both great and small. I AM able to do abundantly above all you can ask or think, for I AM God. Continue reading “Adon Olam (Master of the World/Sovereign of the Universe)”

Ask Me to Align Earth with Heaven

Matthew 6:10 (KJV) Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Beloved, ask for Me to align earth with heaven. Ask for My will to be done. Doing so demonstrates a trust in My will and My plans. Doing so yields control to Me rather than attempting to steer things according to your limited view. Trust Me. 

I desire for the supernatural to be natural in your life. I desire to see My people moving in My power under My authority. Ask for My power to come and be made manifest in the earth. Don’t be afraid to ask for the impossible because with Me nothing is impossible, but trust Me to do what is best.  Continue reading “Ask Me to Align Earth with Heaven”

Remember I AM

1 Chronicles 29:11 (VOICE) All that is great and powerful and glorious and victorious and majestic is Yours, O Eternal One. Indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to You. The kingdom belongs to You, O Eternal One, and You are the head of it all.

Beloved, I AM. Be intentional to never forget that simple truth. I AM that I AM – the same yesterday, today, and forever, and I AM awesome in power and majesty. Is anything too hard for Me? Remind yourself of who I AM and that you are Mine.

No need you have is too great, nor struggle you have is too overwhelming. I AM God. I AM the one who lifts men up and makes them great, and I AM the one who causes the proud to stumble. Give glory and reverence to Me, beloved, and remember I AM. 

Receive the Power of My Touch

Luke 8:46 (TPT) Jesus replied, “Yes, but I felt power surge through me. Someone touched me to be healed, and they received their healing.”

Beloved, don’t be afraid to reach out and grab hold of My healing flow. I AM YHVH Rapha, the Lord your Healer. Touch Me and receive your healing – whether it be in body, mind, or spirit, I have healing here for you.

Receive the power of My touch. Remember that to touch Me you must be in My presence. So stay close, beloved, and be healed by the power of My presence and My touch.

Rise Up at My Roar

Numbers 23:24 (VOICE) Look at this people rise up like a lion, like a lion who gets up and does not lie down until it devours its prey, even drinking the blood of the slain.

Beloved, rise up at My roar. Refuse to back down. You’ve no need to be intimidated, for the Lord of Hosts is your God and forever will I reign. So stand tall and proud, and take your place beside your King. 

Refuse to shrink back, but rather move boldly – empowered by My Spirit, and walk in victory. For with Me, beloved, victory is assured. I AM the victorious One, and you belong to Me.