1 Corinthians 12:7 (VOICE) Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community.
Beloved, I have bestowed on you gifts that are unique to you. Even as similar giftings flow within My Body, the manifestation of each is unique to the way I have designed the vessel through which it pours.
Resist the urge to dismiss your gifts as being without value simply because they are different. Likewise, resist the urge to esteem your gifts more highly than anyone else’s, for each gift is necessary and designed with intention.
So embrace your unique design, and the way I’ve chosen to manifest My glory through you. Be intentional to yield to My Spirit’s flow as purely as possible – laying down any personal agendas or desires, and simply allow Me to move. For in that, I AM truly glorified, and you share in My glory.