Embrace the Light

1 Thessalonians 5:5 (VOICE) For you are all children of light. You are sons and daughters of the day. We are not created of night, nor are we owned by darkness.

Beloved, I AM the light and I live within you. Where there is light, no darkness can remain. Nor can light disguise itself as darkness, nor should it want to. So shine brightly, beloved. Be an emissary of light – vibrant and alive – and unafraid of changing the landscape around you. 

There is nothing to fear from light. As you walk in truth, you know it only brings life. So even when things brought to light feel ugly or broken, simply know that the light has not caused it to be that way, but rather the light has refused to allow it to remain hidden. 

For like lancing a wound, sometimes that which is wrong must be completely exposed to begin to bring it to rights. So embrace the truth and the light that brings it. Be not afraid of human reactions, but rather know I AM pleased as you walk as a reflection of Me.

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