Demonstrate Fruitfulness

John 15:8 (TPT) When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father!

Beloved, you have the choice to bear fruit or not. However, it is not enough to choose to “bear fruit,” then do nothing to cultivate fruitfulness. In the same way you can’t decide to grow a crop, but never plant or tend it; or desire a healthy body, all the while resisting exercise and indulging in poor eating. The decision – the desire for a specific outcome – is not enough. You must align your actions with the outcome. 

In the same way, if you decide you want to be fruitful, you must nourish yourself in my Word and be watered by My presence. Then bearing fruit won’t even be a conscious decision because it will be inevitable. It will come springing forth as a natural result of being fed and saturated in Me. It demonstrates maturity. You won’t need to tell anyone that you’re fruitful, for it will be clearly visible for all to see – your fruit giving glory to the One who has nurtured it.

So demonstrate fruitfulness, beloved. Abide in My presence and meditate on My Word. Choose Me and watch as you overflow, bearing fruit and doing so abundantly. 

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