Worthy of Rescue

Romans 5:8 (VOICE) But think about this: while we were wasting our lives in sin, God revealed His powerful love to us in a tangible display —the Anointed One died for us.

Worthy. Beloved, I declare you worthy. I don’t waste the power of My love, but rather I give it freely to those I deem worthy. I see hearts, and know innermost thoughts. I know the trials and tribulations that form wounds, and the hope deferred that causes bitterness. I see through to the way that I formed each of you, and count you worthy. 

I count you worthy of rescue. Worthy of redemption. Worthy of salvation. Reach out and grab hold. Freedom is in your grasp. Take hold and refuse to give it up. I have paid the price to set you free, refuse to let it be wasted. My tangible display of love – a banner for you to run to to be set free. 

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