Life-Changing Praise

1 Samuel 10:5-6 (VOICE) …Musicians leading them will be playing harps, tambourines, flutes, and lyres; and the prophets will be caught up in prophetic ecstasy. Then the Spirit of the Eternal One will overtake you, you will be caught up in the same prophetic spirit as these prophets, and you will be changed into a different person.

Beloved, lose yourself in life-changing praise. Surrender to My Spirit, and yield yourself to Me. Walk away changed, for I inhabit the praises of My people. Be empowered by Me and made new. 

And in your “new” self walk in deeper levels of boldness of faith and purity of heart – of depth of compassion and unconditional love. Be like Me, beloved. May you reflect My nature, and may your words echo Mine just as your heart reveals My love. 

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