Relentlessly Pursue Me

Ruth 1:16 (NIV) But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.

Beloved, choose Me. Refuse to settle for any substitute. Relentlessly pursue Me. Make Me your obsession. For those who are steadfast to Me will not be put to shame. Rather My glory shines through them – blatantly apparent in their lives, a beacon to those around them – calling them to Me.

So be unapologetic in your pursuit – persisting through trials and would-be distractions. Time and again choose Me above everything because you know that I AM worthy. I AM faithful. And I love you. 

Time to Blossom

Song of Solomon 4:12 (VOICE) You are a locked garden, my sister, my bride, open only to me; a spring closed up tight, a sealed fountain.

Beloved, I’ve set you apart, for you are Mine and Mine alone. Your heart belongs to Me. You are accepted and chosen, cherished and loved. I AM devoted to you – you mean the world to Me.

Rest in My favor. Be shored up by My strength. For My love is steadfast and true. My eyes are upon you, My ear is attentive, and My heart is forever true. So rest in My goodness, and rest in My love. Flourish in the safe place that My affection grants you. It’s now time to blossom and come to fullness of joy, to bloom nourished by the love that surrounds you.


1 Peter 5:7 (TPT) Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.

Beloved, release all that is not serving you. For I desire that you would flourish and have abundant life. Just as a gardener pulls weeds and prunes to allow his plants to flourish to their fullest, so you must do for yourself. I AM fully able to take on the things that weigh on you, and to strengthen you to release all that is no longer needed.

So whether there are patterns of thought (like worry or fear), or patterns of behavior (like taking on responsibilities you have not been called to or that belong to someone else), or even physical patterns (like clutter that distracts you and steals your focus); whatever it may be that is holding you back from more growth, release it now. For you are worth cultivating and tending. You are dearly loved and valuable beyond measure, so cherish yourself accordingly.

Bold but Humble

2 Corinthians 3:12 (NIV) Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.

Beloved, do not be afraid to step out in faith for I will meet you there. You feel My gentle nudges and you hear My quiet whispers, you know how I move, so follow Me. Follow Me off the “cliff” and know My hand is there to catch you. You are called to radical faith, beloved; so do not shy away or compare your walk to others and wonder why others have no been called to the same level of expectation. I expect much from you because I have called you to much. With great responsibility though also comes great reward. The joy of partnering with Me and seeing Me move, for I move in power.

A word of caution though, beloved. Do not get caught up in the supernatural things that touch your life and forget Who the source of that is or allow others to pull you into a place of pride. Stay humble. Stay contrite. Keep your eyes fixed on Me, for I AM all you need. You don’t need man’s approval, and indeed having it can be dangerous. So focus on Me: My eyes, My heart, My word, and stay humble and true.

Join Me

Genesis 3:8 (NLT) When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees.

Beloved, when you sense My presence, join Me. Let no sense of shame should hinder your approach, for My love is no fickle thing. I AM here for you always. And refuse to allow busyness and obligation to distract you, for what can be more important than time with Me?

Trust that if I’m causing a divine interruption, I can provide the grace to cover you, for I AM mindful of every responsibility on your shoulders and I AM the one who strengthens you to fulfill all that you do. So join Me. Walk with Me. And may we fellowship together.

Cheerfully Expectant

Romans 12:11-13 (MSG) Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

Be expectant. I long to move through My children, but few are truly willing to step out in faith or to live a life that makes them vessels I can work through to operate in My supernatural. In the same way you can’t give a young child a knife for fear they will damage themselves, too many of My children lack the maturity needed to operate in acts of the supernatural. I will not give them anything that I know will cause them to stumble or will harm them.

Continue to make choices and live in such a way that prepares you for what I have in store for you, beloved. Stay in My word. Set aside the cares of this world. Don’t get caught up with the drama of man. I AM all you need. Walk in humility. Extend much grace to others. Always look for the good. Always assume positive intent. Seek to bring unity and love. Look for ways to promote others above yourself, for you can count on Me to find ways to raise you. You don’t need to look out for your own interests, I have them firmly in mind. Grow and encourage My children. Act with My heart. Be My hands. Love like Me.

No Greater Blessing

Proverbs 3:34-35 (VOICE) God treats the arrogant as they treat others, mocking the mockers, scorning the scornful, but He pours out His grace on the humble. In the end, the wise will receive honor, but fools will face humiliation.

Beloved, I will not be mocked. As a man sows so he shall reap. So sow in humility, love, and wisdom; and reap an abundance of godly favor. There is no greater blessing, nor more peaceful way to live.

As you seek Me and My ways, I allow Myself to be found. As you ask for wisdom, I give it; for I AM Gelah Raz – the Revealer of Mysteries, and I love to share fellowship with My children.

Proverbs 3:27-35 (VOICE) Do not withhold what is good from those who deserve it; if it is within your power to give it, do it. Do not send your neighbor away, saying, “Get back with me tomorrow. I can give it to you then,” when what he needs is already in your hand. Make no plans that could result in injury to your neighbor; after all, he should be more secure because he lives near you. Avoid fighting with anyone without good reason, especially when no one has hurt you; you have nothing to fight about. Do not envy someone who profits at the expense of others or copy any of his tyrannical ways, For crooked people are detestable to the Eternal, but those with integrity receive His counsel. His curse lingers over the wicked and their families, but He forever favors residence of those who do what is right. God treats the arrogant as they treat others, mocking the mockers, scorning the scornful, but He pours out His grace on the humble. In the end, the wise will receive honor, but fools will face humiliation.

Walk in My Favor

Proverbs 3:27-33 (VOICE) Do not envy someone who profits at the expense of others or copy any of his tyrannical ways, For crooked people are detestable to the Eternal, but those with integrity receive His counsel. His curse lingers over the wicked and their families, but He forever favors residence of those who do what is right.

Beloved, resist the urge to covet those who appear to flourish while walking in a way that is contrary to Me. There is no peace there. For without My blessing, even abundance can seem a curse. There is no greater blessing than alignment and oneness with Me.

So align your heart and see with true wisdom the hearts of men. Find peace in fellowship with Me, and flourish as you walk in My favor.

Proverbs 3:27-35 (VOICE) Do not withhold what is good from those who deserve it; if it is within your power to give it, do it. Do not send your neighbor away, saying, “Get back with me tomorrow. I can give it to you then,” when what he needs is already in your hand. Make no plans that could result in injury to your neighbor; after all, he should be more secure because he lives near you. Avoid fighting with anyone without good reason, especially when no one has hurt you; you have nothing to fight about. Do not envy someone who profits at the expense of others or copy any of his tyrannical ways, For crooked people are detestable to the Eternal, but those with integrity receive His counsel. His curse lingers over the wicked and their families, but He forever favors residence of those who do what is right. God treats the arrogant as they treat others, mocking the mockers, scorning the scornful, but He pours out His grace on the humble. In the end, the wise will receive honor, but fools will face humiliation.

Choose the High Road

Proverbs 3:29-30 (VOICE) Make no plans that could result in injury to your neighbor; after all, he should be more secure because he lives near you. Avoid fighting with anyone without good reason, especially when no one has hurt you; you have nothing to fight about.

Beloved, refuse to be drawn into petty arguments that are fruitless and divisive. You are My child, and therefore you reflect My character, which is love. So be full of that love, and allow it to overflow.

So choose the high road. There’s no need to defend your pride or your opinion – even your reputation, for all those can be safely trusted to My care. Rather focus on being a person known for your love, known for your grace – for in doing so, you best reflect Me.

Proverbs 3:27-35 (VOICE) Do not withhold what is good from those who deserve it; if it is within your power to give it, do it. Do not send your neighbor away, saying, “Get back with me tomorrow. I can give it to you then,” when what he needs is already in your hand. Make no plans that could result in injury to your neighbor; after all, he should be more secure because he lives near you. Avoid fighting with anyone without good reason, especially when no one has hurt you; you have nothing to fight about. Do not envy someone who profits at the expense of others or copy any of his tyrannical ways, For crooked people are detestable to the Eternal, but those with integrity receive His counsel. His curse lingers over the wicked and their families, but He forever favors residence of those who do what is right. God treats the arrogant as they treat others, mocking the mockers, scorning the scornful, but He pours out His grace on the humble. In the end, the wise will receive honor, but fools will face humiliation.

Be Unburdened

Proverbs 3:28 (VOICE) Do not send your neighbor away, saying, “Get back with me tomorrow. I can give it to you then,” when what he needs is already in your hand.

Beloved, resist the urge to withhold what is owed simply because you “can.” If it is within your power to do so, be unburdened by obligation that you might owe no man, but simply be a vessel of love.

For owing – even when you have the means to repay, leaves your focus divided. So instead, close the door by completing the transaction and moving wisely on. In doing so, you make room for your undivided attention to be on Me, which is the wisest choice.

Proverbs 3:27-35 (VOICE) Do not withhold what is good from those who deserve it; if it is within your power to give it, do it. Do not send your neighbor away, saying, “Get back with me tomorrow. I can give it to you then,” when what he needs is already in your hand. Make no plans that could result in injury to your neighbor; after all, he should be more secure because he lives near you. Avoid fighting with anyone without good reason, especially when no one has hurt you; you have nothing to fight about. Do not envy someone who profits at the expense of others or copy any of his tyrannical ways, For crooked people are detestable to the Eternal, but those with integrity receive His counsel. His curse lingers over the wicked and their families, but He forever favors residence of those who do what is right. God treats the arrogant as they treat others, mocking the mockers, scorning the scornful, but He pours out His grace on the humble. In the end, the wise will receive honor, but fools will face humiliation.